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Kawaii Potato
Community Member
Kawaii Potato
Community Member
6 posts
623 points
Hi Pandas! Not much to say about myself... But I love u guys!I try to be happy... I don't care about politics....I don't care about peoples diffrences. In my eyes we are all equal.....
All I want to do is make the world a happier place!Again love u guys!
Kawaii Potato • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
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Kawaii Potato • commented on 31 posts 2 years ago
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Kawaii Potato • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Kawaii Potato • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something You're Afraid Of Doing Alone?
Been happily married for decades. My biggest fear is dying last and spending the last years of my life without him. Can't imagine remarrying anyone else. I don't want to spend my golden years alone and without sharing it with him.Show All 3 Upvotes
Kawaii Potato • submitted 6 list additions 2 years ago
Kawaii Potato • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
Kawaii Potato • commented on 16 posts 2 years ago
Kawaii Potato • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something You're Afraid Of Doing Alone?
going downstairs after turning off the lights! this is kind of a joke but it’s not 🥲Hey Pandas, What's Something You're Afraid Of Doing Alone?
Been happily married for decades. My biggest fear is dying last and spending the last years of my life without him. Can't imagine remarrying anyone else. I don't want to spend my golden years alone and without sharing it with him.Hey Pandas, What's The Biggest Problem In The World? And How Should We Solve It?
Division. We are all different yet we share many similarities with each other. We are all people. If we all worked together we could solve food, water and fuel shortages. We could live peaceful, comfortable lives. We could repair our planet and explore the stars. Together. But we don't. We embrace division and confrontation instead. War, power, greed, hunger, pollution, poverty, all could be eliminated if we worked together.Hey Pandas, What's The Biggest Problem In The World? And How Should We Solve It?
Indifference towards others’ misery. How to solve it? Answers on a postcard.Hey Pandas, What's The Biggest Problem In The World? And How Should We Solve It?
The biggest problem of this world that people think to gain something is only the source of happiness and it is the only thing that can make them accomplished rather loosing and have unfulfilled dreams are beautiful as well. Scarcity of something that keeps you going in life and you discover so many new things and joys. Feeling accomplished gives you temporary joy and make you stagnant. Moving on in life is the biggest art and beauty of life.Hey Pandas, What's The Biggest Problem In The World? And How Should We Solve It?
Hmmm... I'd say one of the worst problems I've come across is being extremely intolerant about what other people think. You can have your opinions, other people can have theirs, and we can leave it at that. However, recently there's been a growing movement to silence anyone who doesn't agree with the general consensus, which is a pretty serious problem. I guess the way to solve it is to just be more accepting - some people may disagree with you, and you with them, but the best way to solve a disagreement is to talk about it: don't be resentful about people who don't agree with you, if you don't understand their position just ask them and talk it out. Kawaii Potato • is following a person
Kawaii Potato • 5 followers