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3 Trash Pandas in a Trenchcoat
Community Member
Ok so BP logged me out of my other account (same name) and I couldn't get back in because the Email had been deactivated and none of my usual passwords were working.
So here I am on a new account
A few things about me:
I'm partially Native American and my nickname means raccoon in my tribe's language so that's where the Trash Panda part of my name comes from (also bored panda/trash panda)
I've been on Bored Panda since June of 2020 and have gone by a few names including JustAHamilfan, Lady FosBoss, Kris Ambers, Lihn Song, and UnInspired Aspiring Author (and probably more I can't remember)
I consider myself a fangirl and have always been into reading and writing my own stories (I hope to publish a book one day!)