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1 posts
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Just a lazy woman, scrolling all night through boredpandas posts

R • upvoted 39 items 1 year ago

I went to high school with a girl whose Dad was one of the top 10 highest paid trial lawyers in the country. Every year, she would invite a handful of friends to go with her on a Spring Break trip to The Atlantis in the Bahamas. This was an all expenses paid trip, including flying to and from the resort on her family's private jet. Still, she was always lowkey and surprisingly grounded given her wealth and privilege. Her friends? Not so much. Our junior or senior year, two of the girls she invited on the trip came back afterwards and immediately started bitching about how the trip was lame because the resort's nicest suite (literally one of the world's priciest hotels at 25K+ per night) was booked up that year so they had to slum it in one of their lesser, though still ridiculously luxurious private suites. TL;dr - Yes, these basic b*tches had the obscene entitlement to complain about their accommodations after being taken on a free, week-long vacation where their friend's family was shelling out upwards of a quarter of a million dollars per person on a Spring Break trip.
I grew up with a rich girl who never had a realistic view of the world. Her wedding gift from her parents was a $500k house built to her specifications. The house took a year (maybe two) to build, and during that time she and her husband lived at her parents' mansion. They had an entire floor to themselves. It was about 2,000 square feet and it consisted of a kitchen, two bedrooms, a rec area, etc. Did she realize how good she had it? Of course not. She spent the entire time lamenting on Facebook about how "hard" it was to be "homeless". That was a few years ago. She still posts "as someone who used to be homeless..." comments while sitting in her fancy, custom-built $500k house. The only reason I haven't unfollowed her yet is because she's like a train wreck that's impossible to look away from.
Growing up my parents were never poor or even close to be considered poor by any standards. I had a friend in middle school whose family was insanely rich, and her mom was convinced we were dirt poor. She would always make comments about how sorry she was for me, and she knows how hungry I must be. But I was never poor, she was just absurdly rich. One day she calls my friend and I to the kitchen. She has two bowls of tortilla chips. She tells me to try one chip from both bowls. I do. I tell her something like "well those are tortilla chips." And her mom turns to my friend/her daughter "see that's why you don't want to end up like her parents, she can't taste the difference between brand name and generic!" Imagine thinking you were too good for generic tortilla chips.
Two instances, one from each of my brothers. The first, my older brother stole money (around $700) from my parents and hid it at a friends house, hoping nobody would notice and they could buy an Xbox. When confronted (both by my parents and the cops) he said "it's fine- we're rich so it doesn't matter". No, we aren't. Then, my younger brother is being sent on an all-expenses paid first class trip for two weeks to spend time with his friends across the country. He threw an actual honest to god fit because one of the stipulations is that he needed to spend a few days with our grandparents while he was out there. My 17 year old brother was screaming and crying because he didn't want to spend two days with our grandparents who literally would go and give anything for us, who have done nothing but love us to pieces, who are too old to come visit us and haven't seen him in two years. I don't yell much, so imagine his surprise when I sit him down and scream at him for being an entitled piece of shit.
One time in elementary school my friend had a party for all the kids in the class and his mom ordered like 10 pizzas and when they arrived they were square cut. He threw a fit because he wanted triangles, so his mom threw the pizzas away and reordered new pizza.
When I was in high school, I was dating a guy whose family was relatively well to do. Living in the midwest, our winters were brutal, and this one was no exception. The pipes in his basement burst, filling the basement with sewage. His darling mother (/s), instead of driving the few blocks to the nearby hotel, bought a last minute plane ticket to Denver to go to their condo and take a shower there, and immediately fly back home. I wish I had money to spend as ridiculously stupidly as this woman did.
acondie13 reply
My wife's friend. Her husband bought her a puppy, spend probably $600 on the actual dog, training, food, toys, etc. He is the one that took it outside to pee, fed it, took it on walks, etc. Pretty much did everything to take care of it. She throws an absolute ballistic fit because the puppy likes him more. Stopped wearing her wedding ring, changed all her profile pictures to not include her husband, etc. Total spoiled b***h.
liftforaesthetics reply
My neighbors. They moved in 8 years ago as a newly wed couple and when my family tried to introduce ourselves to them, they ignored us. Their parents bought them a $1.5 million home (all paid for, no mortgage), a new Maserati Granturismo, and new Mercedes G wagon all as wedding gifts. All of us other neighbors have tried to be nice, but we hate them.
Freecz reply
There was this girl in a class I had at the university that said she could not for the life of her understand how anyone could take a loan during their studies to pay for it all (at least here that is the most common way of doing it even though most people also work extra as well). She said people who did that are stupid and they make her sick. So someone asked her how she does it and she said that her mom payed for her apartment, food, car, have fun money etc. Everyone basically just sat there with their mouths open in disbelief.
anon reply
My mom's old good friend was one of the most spoiled brats I know. She grew up poor, humble and lived on a farm. Worked hard to support herself and eventually was the first one in her family to go to college. Mom said that she was the smartest girl and had everything going for her. Then she met a man who was almost twice in her age and they got married when she was 25. He wasn't rich but had enough money to support her so she quit school and became a SAHM. The husband died when she was 29 and she found herself a single mom with a very large insurance policy. Enough for her to travel around the world and buy a few mansions if she wanted. Mom said that money changed her but I think it drew out her real personality to the surface. She treated people like servants, only associated with the best brands and would throw tantrums if things didn't go her way. I met her and her two daughters a few times. She would comment about my clothes, life style and that it was so sad my mom didn't have enough money to use on me. That it was so unfortunate my mom had to work and couldn't give me a free house like she did to her own kids. I'm like, b***h, you got money from your husband. The same husband who was driving in the rain, the night he died, to go visit his lover because he couldn't stand your whiny limpy cold a*s anymore. I don't see her as much anymore, thank god. Last I heard, she had lost most of her money due to carelessly spending it and had to move out of state to get away from the debt collectors. Good riddance.
anon reply
My nephew, and I feel sorry for him. His parents are going through a s**t show of a divorce and because of debts both his parents are going to be financially hit very hard, he's 8 and only knows having a luxurious lifestyle. He has a room full of toys, most of them never opened, every piece of technology that comes out (iPad, laptops, consoles etc) and goes abroad a few times every year. His Parents aren't wealthy in the slightest mind you but they love to spend and show off, especially his Mum. She dresses in all designer gear so so does her son, she will not buy him normal kids clothes, all of his stuff is super expensive. His Dad is also not good with money so as a couple they were a disaster. Because he's so young I don't know how he'll cope with the change. He's already a little nightmare at times, we took him to the zoo with his neices and he had a right strop in the gift shop because there was a limit to how much we'd spend on him, even his neices who are the same age had a go at him for his behaviour!
poppycocklovegood reply
Hope I'm not too late. Let me tell you about 'Rebecca' Single mom who is a lawyer for a big phone company. Rebecca is the youngest child with a large gap, so she's basically an only child. Here are a few things that happened in the year we were friends: (Sorry if formatting is weird; on mobile) Mom would always buy her Cadillacs and she would wreck them within 6-8 months. Has worked at two different locations of the chain restaurant we worked at together. Has been fired from one twice and the other (where we met) four times. (For reason below) Shows up to work 2-3 hours late and is never in uniform so she spends an hour in the restroom getting ready. This happened more frequently than her actually showing up on time. Only reason she even worked to begin with was her mom wouldn't pay for her boob job. She did earn enough to get them and they are not very good. After she's been fired once, she'll wait until there are new managers at the store, (high turnover rate) apply and be hired again. Rebecca is in college getting her undergrad. She's currently 24, but cannot pass most of her undergrad classes. She has stated multiple times to multiple people that she expects the university she attends to pay for her DOCTORATE degree that she will complete by the time she is 26. A doctorate degree in two years without being able to pass undergrad classes? Okay. Emailed the same university (literally emailed [university]@emailaddress) to request them to buy a multi million dollar mansion for her so she can start an orphanage. She sent links of said mansion with the email. When she didn't get any results from the university she email Harvard wanting to apply. She posted the email on SnapChat and the first line read something like, "I know I don't have the best grades but I would be a great addition to the community!" Harvard has not responded. Her mom bought her a very large house in a nice neighborhood so she could get away from her "controlling" boyfriend. He asked her to get a job to pay her part of the bills so she begged her mom to buy her this house. The last I've heard of her is she ran her car into the boyfriend's house and then texted him saying, "hope you like the new decor, kiss my rich a*s." He has a restraining order against her and the detective he hired said they could, "bury her rich a*s."
mariescurie reply
During one of my substitute teaching assignments, I had the joy of meeting the most spoiled teenage I had ever encountered before or since. Conrad was spoiled in a way only children of two rich divorced parents can be. Conrad was an only child whose parents used material goods and money to buy his affection. On the first day of this particular sub-job, Conrad informed me he didn't have to do his work, he would just get his father to pay the teacher "a shitload of money" and he would get an A. I stated I didn't care what he did as long as he did not disturb his classmates and wrote his comments in my sub notes. He was placated for the day and dinked around on his cell phone until the period ended. The second day really showed Conrad's true colors. The class was supposed to do group work and he was "working" with a group of his friends. He spent the work time continuously talking about how much he hated his mom because she bought him a used 2013 Ford Focus for his 16th birthday, instead of a brand-new BMW that he wanted. I made a comment that I would love if my parent gifted me a fairly new used vehicle, to which he commented, "Of course you would. You're a teacher and poor." I told him to get back to work and if I caught him off-task again, he would need to work alone. He was fine after that. The third and final day of my assignment, Conrad was in an absolute tizzy about something his mother had done. Probably the BMW thing. Idk or care. What I did care about was that he kept commenting on how he was going to sabotage his mother's plane so "that b***h would fall out of the sky and die." I told him to rein in those comments as they were not appropriate for school and could get him in serious trouble. I left him with his group to continue work from the previous day. Approxmately five minutes later, I hear nervous laughter coming from Conrad's group. He has his phone out and is showing the group something on it. I walked over and asked to see what was causing such a fuss. Conrad (the idiot) showed me his Snapchat story which consisted of a picture he took of his mother with an emoji gun pointed at her head and the text "Imma shoot dis b***h." I got to send him to the office, talk to the school social worker and the school resource officer. All because this kid didn't get a BMW and his parents couldn't be arsed to show him some actual love and affection for his entire life. **TLDR: Kid didn't get a BMW and threatened to kill his "b***h" mother repeatedly.**
anon reply
A girl I have known most of my life. Her parents treat her like she is the queen of England or something. Growing up, if there was a new toy out that she wanted, her parents bought her 5 (and if possible, in each color) because she would break her toys. She had 2-3 bedrooms. One was big enough to be a studio apartment alone. Where did she sleep? Her parent's bedroom. If she wanted to go somewhere, like Disney World, her parents dropped everything to start planning that vacation. When she started driving, she had 3 new cars in 8 months. Not because she crashed them or they broke down, but because she just had to have the newest model. I think she is on her 15th car now. Never has had a job. Her parents pay for her and now her son. In school, she had a "tutor." I say it in quotes because the tutor just did her homework for her. I'm surprised she can even read and write, honestly. Although, reading her Facebook statuses shows me she can't write much better than my 9 year old. The worst part was... if she didn't like someone, she had her parents do their best to try to ruin that person's life. She got her 7th grade teacher fired, claiming he was being inappropriate with her. He wasn't, he never was in a room with her alone. He was a kind, old man, but he didn't put up with her not doing her homework. He failed her in a few subjects. He was never charged or arrested or anything, no legal trouble from it, but the school did force him into retirement because they were scared.
Photon_butterfly reply
My brother. He has this notion that because he's adopted our parents "owe him" forever. He treats them like garbage and they do all they can to help him and his son. He's a 27 year old man child and I can't stand him. And in case anyone's curious, I'm adopted too though we're not related by blood. I love my parents and just see them as normal parents.Show All 39 Upvotes

R • commented on a post 1 year ago

R • submitted a new post 2 years ago

R • submitted 6 list additions 1 year ago

R • submitted a list addition 2 years ago

R • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago

R • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

liftforaesthetics reply
My neighbors. They moved in 8 years ago as a newly wed couple and when my family tried to introduce ourselves to them, they ignored us. Their parents bought them a $1.5 million home (all paid for, no mortgage), a new Maserati Granturismo, and new Mercedes G wagon all as wedding gifts. All of us other neighbors have tried to be nice, but we hate them.
anon reply
My mom's old good friend was one of the most spoiled brats I know. She grew up poor, humble and lived on a farm. Worked hard to support herself and eventually was the first one in her family to go to college. Mom said that she was the smartest girl and had everything going for her. Then she met a man who was almost twice in her age and they got married when she was 25. He wasn't rich but had enough money to support her so she quit school and became a SAHM. The husband died when she was 29 and she found herself a single mom with a very large insurance policy. Enough for her to travel around the world and buy a few mansions if she wanted. Mom said that money changed her but I think it drew out her real personality to the surface. She treated people like servants, only associated with the best brands and would throw tantrums if things didn't go her way. I met her and her two daughters a few times. She would comment about my clothes, life style and that it was so sad my mom didn't have enough money to use on me. That it was so unfortunate my mom had to work and couldn't give me a free house like she did to her own kids. I'm like, b***h, you got money from your husband. The same husband who was driving in the rain, the night he died, to go visit his lover because he couldn't stand your whiny limpy cold a*s anymore. I don't see her as much anymore, thank god. Last I heard, she had lost most of her money due to carelessly spending it and had to move out of state to get away from the debt collectors. Good riddance.
anon reply
My nephew, and I feel sorry for him. His parents are going through a s**t show of a divorce and because of debts both his parents are going to be financially hit very hard, he's 8 and only knows having a luxurious lifestyle. He has a room full of toys, most of them never opened, every piece of technology that comes out (iPad, laptops, consoles etc) and goes abroad a few times every year. His Parents aren't wealthy in the slightest mind you but they love to spend and show off, especially his Mum. She dresses in all designer gear so so does her son, she will not buy him normal kids clothes, all of his stuff is super expensive. His Dad is also not good with money so as a couple they were a disaster. Because he's so young I don't know how he'll cope with the change. He's already a little nightmare at times, we took him to the zoo with his neices and he had a right strop in the gift shop because there was a limit to how much we'd spend on him, even his neices who are the same age had a go at him for his behaviour!
I went to high school with a girl whose Dad was one of the top 10 highest paid trial lawyers in the country. Every year, she would invite a handful of friends to go with her on a Spring Break trip to The Atlantis in the Bahamas. This was an all expenses paid trip, including flying to and from the resort on her family's private jet. Still, she was always lowkey and surprisingly grounded given her wealth and privilege. Her friends? Not so much. Our junior or senior year, two of the girls she invited on the trip came back afterwards and immediately started bitching about how the trip was lame because the resort's nicest suite (literally one of the world's priciest hotels at 25K+ per night) was booked up that year so they had to slum it in one of their lesser, though still ridiculously luxurious private suites. TL;dr - Yes, these basic b*tches had the obscene entitlement to complain about their accommodations after being taken on a free, week-long vacation where their friend's family was shelling out upwards of a quarter of a million dollars per person on a Spring Break trip.
poppycocklovegood reply
Hope I'm not too late. Let me tell you about 'Rebecca' Single mom who is a lawyer for a big phone company. Rebecca is the youngest child with a large gap, so she's basically an only child. Here are a few things that happened in the year we were friends: (Sorry if formatting is weird; on mobile) Mom would always buy her Cadillacs and she would wreck them within 6-8 months. Has worked at two different locations of the chain restaurant we worked at together. Has been fired from one twice and the other (where we met) four times. (For reason below) Shows up to work 2-3 hours late and is never in uniform so she spends an hour in the restroom getting ready. This happened more frequently than her actually showing up on time. Only reason she even worked to begin with was her mom wouldn't pay for her boob job. She did earn enough to get them and they are not very good. After she's been fired once, she'll wait until there are new managers at the store, (high turnover rate) apply and be hired again. Rebecca is in college getting her undergrad. She's currently 24, but cannot pass most of her undergrad classes. She has stated multiple times to multiple people that she expects the university she attends to pay for her DOCTORATE degree that she will complete by the time she is 26. A doctorate degree in two years without being able to pass undergrad classes? Okay. Emailed the same university (literally emailed [university]@emailaddress) to request them to buy a multi million dollar mansion for her so she can start an orphanage. She sent links of said mansion with the email. When she didn't get any results from the university she email Harvard wanting to apply. She posted the email on SnapChat and the first line read something like, "I know I don't have the best grades but I would be a great addition to the community!" Harvard has not responded. Her mom bought her a very large house in a nice neighborhood so she could get away from her "controlling" boyfriend. He asked her to get a job to pay her part of the bills so she begged her mom to buy her this house. The last I've heard of her is she ran her car into the boyfriend's house and then texted him saying, "hope you like the new decor, kiss my rich a*s." He has a restraining order against her and the detective he hired said they could, "bury her rich a*s."
Growing up my parents were never poor or even close to be considered poor by any standards. I had a friend in middle school whose family was insanely rich, and her mom was convinced we were dirt poor. She would always make comments about how sorry she was for me, and she knows how hungry I must be. But I was never poor, she was just absurdly rich. One day she calls my friend and I to the kitchen. She has two bowls of tortilla chips. She tells me to try one chip from both bowls. I do. I tell her something like "well those are tortilla chips." And her mom turns to my friend/her daughter "see that's why you don't want to end up like her parents, she can't taste the difference between brand name and generic!" Imagine thinking you were too good for generic tortilla chips.
mariescurie reply
During one of my substitute teaching assignments, I had the joy of meeting the most spoiled teenage I had ever encountered before or since. Conrad was spoiled in a way only children of two rich divorced parents can be. Conrad was an only child whose parents used material goods and money to buy his affection. On the first day of this particular sub-job, Conrad informed me he didn't have to do his work, he would just get his father to pay the teacher "a shitload of money" and he would get an A. I stated I didn't care what he did as long as he did not disturb his classmates and wrote his comments in my sub notes. He was placated for the day and dinked around on his cell phone until the period ended. The second day really showed Conrad's true colors. The class was supposed to do group work and he was "working" with a group of his friends. He spent the work time continuously talking about how much he hated his mom because she bought him a used 2013 Ford Focus for his 16th birthday, instead of a brand-new BMW that he wanted. I made a comment that I would love if my parent gifted me a fairly new used vehicle, to which he commented, "Of course you would. You're a teacher and poor." I told him to get back to work and if I caught him off-task again, he would need to work alone. He was fine after that. The third and final day of my assignment, Conrad was in an absolute tizzy about something his mother had done. Probably the BMW thing. Idk or care. What I did care about was that he kept commenting on how he was going to sabotage his mother's plane so "that b***h would fall out of the sky and die." I told him to rein in those comments as they were not appropriate for school and could get him in serious trouble. I left him with his group to continue work from the previous day. Approxmately five minutes later, I hear nervous laughter coming from Conrad's group. He has his phone out and is showing the group something on it. I walked over and asked to see what was causing such a fuss. Conrad (the idiot) showed me his Snapchat story which consisted of a picture he took of his mother with an emoji gun pointed at her head and the text "Imma shoot dis b***h." I got to send him to the office, talk to the school social worker and the school resource officer. All because this kid didn't get a BMW and his parents couldn't be arsed to show him some actual love and affection for his entire life. **TLDR: Kid didn't get a BMW and threatened to kill his "b***h" mother repeatedly.**
Photon_butterfly reply
My brother. He has this notion that because he's adopted our parents "owe him" forever. He treats them like garbage and they do all they can to help him and his son. He's a 27 year old man child and I can't stand him. And in case anyone's curious, I'm adopted too though we're not related by blood. I love my parents and just see them as normal parents.
Freecz reply
There was this girl in a class I had at the university that said she could not for the life of her understand how anyone could take a loan during their studies to pay for it all (at least here that is the most common way of doing it even though most people also work extra as well). She said people who did that are stupid and they make her sick. So someone asked her how she does it and she said that her mom payed for her apartment, food, car, have fun money etc. Everyone basically just sat there with their mouths open in disbelief.
When I was in high school, I was dating a guy whose family was relatively well to do. Living in the midwest, our winters were brutal, and this one was no exception. The pipes in his basement burst, filling the basement with sewage. His darling mother (/s), instead of driving the few blocks to the nearby hotel, bought a last minute plane ticket to Denver to go to their condo and take a shower there, and immediately fly back home. I wish I had money to spend as ridiculously stupidly as this woman did.
anon reply
A girl I have known most of my life. Her parents treat her like she is the queen of England or something. Growing up, if there was a new toy out that she wanted, her parents bought her 5 (and if possible, in each color) because she would break her toys. She had 2-3 bedrooms. One was big enough to be a studio apartment alone. Where did she sleep? Her parent's bedroom. If she wanted to go somewhere, like Disney World, her parents dropped everything to start planning that vacation. When she started driving, she had 3 new cars in 8 months. Not because she crashed them or they broke down, but because she just had to have the newest model. I think she is on her 15th car now. Never has had a job. Her parents pay for her and now her son. In school, she had a "tutor." I say it in quotes because the tutor just did her homework for her. I'm surprised she can even read and write, honestly. Although, reading her Facebook statuses shows me she can't write much better than my 9 year old. The worst part was... if she didn't like someone, she had her parents do their best to try to ruin that person's life. She got her 7th grade teacher fired, claiming he was being inappropriate with her. He wasn't, he never was in a room with her alone. He was a kind, old man, but he didn't put up with her not doing her homework. He failed her in a few subjects. He was never charged or arrested or anything, no legal trouble from it, but the school did force him into retirement because they were scared.
One time in elementary school my friend had a party for all the kids in the class and his mom ordered like 10 pizzas and when they arrived they were square cut. He threw a fit because he wanted triangles, so his mom threw the pizzas away and reordered new pizza.
Two instances, one from each of my brothers. The first, my older brother stole money (around $700) from my parents and hid it at a friends house, hoping nobody would notice and they could buy an Xbox. When confronted (both by my parents and the cops) he said "it's fine- we're rich so it doesn't matter". No, we aren't. Then, my younger brother is being sent on an all-expenses paid first class trip for two weeks to spend time with his friends across the country. He threw an actual honest to god fit because one of the stipulations is that he needed to spend a few days with our grandparents while he was out there. My 17 year old brother was screaming and crying because he didn't want to spend two days with our grandparents who literally would go and give anything for us, who have done nothing but love us to pieces, who are too old to come visit us and haven't seen him in two years. I don't yell much, so imagine his surprise when I sit him down and scream at him for being an entitled piece of shit.
acondie13 reply
My wife's friend. Her husband bought her a puppy, spend probably $600 on the actual dog, training, food, toys, etc. He is the one that took it outside to pee, fed it, took it on walks, etc. Pretty much did everything to take care of it. She throws an absolute ballistic fit because the puppy likes him more. Stopped wearing her wedding ring, changed all her profile pictures to not include her husband, etc. Total spoiled b***h.
I grew up with a rich girl who never had a realistic view of the world. Her wedding gift from her parents was a $500k house built to her specifications. The house took a year (maybe two) to build, and during that time she and her husband lived at her parents' mansion. They had an entire floor to themselves. It was about 2,000 square feet and it consisted of a kitchen, two bedrooms, a rec area, etc. Did she realize how good she had it? Of course not. She spent the entire time lamenting on Facebook about how "hard" it was to be "homeless". That was a few years ago. She still posts "as someone who used to be homeless..." comments while sitting in her fancy, custom-built $500k house. The only reason I haven't unfollowed her yet is because she's like a train wreck that's impossible to look away from.
Someone At Work Perfectly-Ripped My Husband Out Of The Wedding Photo On My Locker. There's No Way This Was Accidental
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