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Stardust she/her
Community Member

I am a teenage girl living in South India. I know 3 and a half languages (English, Marathi and Hindi, can only read Kannada). I love drawing and reading comics. I also love astronomy so much that I am planning on having a career in ISRO.
Here are some of my favourite words from other languages:Kurwa and Zginiemy (Polish)
Merde and Pomme (French)
Kuso (Japanese)
Katliam (Turkish)
Flugzeug, Lieblingfach, Wissenschaft and Schildkröte (German)
I’m grateful for the following pandas for saving my life: Amy
Caro Caro
Ghostly Snail
Blue mouse
Old Roadie
Bisexual TacoCat
Squirrelly Panda
Lana Lana Banana
Shanila Phoenix
Cheese the great
Pineapple (Jordan)
Danger Bunny
A gay catman
Mint the tiger
Constantly Jon
Tired Panda
Mintii Bunnii
Rick Sanchez
And many more of you who helped me through dark times. I’m sorry for stressing out all of you, especially Amy and Blue mouse. Thank you, all of you for doing your best and have a good life ahead
All of you are fucking morons! Is it so hard to ignore the people you hate online? All you have to do is not respond to the trolls yet you don’t listen and make everything worse. Stop engaging with them, that is the reason why they spam so much. Haven’t any of you been taught the basics of the internet? This is exactly why this website is going to shit, you people are too childish for your own good

Hey Pandas, Please Support One Of Our Pandas. Their Name Is Maeve Hamilton And They’re Going Through A Lot Right Now

Hey Pandas, Can You Recommend A Song That Is Very Catchy But Has Sadistic/Dark Lyrics? (Closed)