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Community Member
Button loving new panda, lives in Bristol
Bamajoe34 reply
I’m an 18 month survivor of Stage 3 pancreatic cancer and currently in complete remission.
Genie_noteC reply
I’m an avid reader, I use the public library not only for books, but online classes, learn a new language, Libby, check out tools, & fun activities for the grandkids.
Kangaroowrangler_02 reply
Pay as you go/prepaid phone plan $30 a month no complaints I'm not missing out on anything.
Kangaroowrangler_02 reply
Pay as you go/prepaid phone plan $30 a month no complaints I'm not missing out on anything.
Genie_noteC reply
I’m an avid reader, I use the public library not only for books, but online classes, learn a new language, Libby, check out tools, & fun activities for the grandkids.