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2 posts
173 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

geometric_dolphin • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
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geometric_dolphin • upvoted 29 items 3 years ago

Secretary Birds Are Famous For Its Snake-Stomping Legs; A Single Kick Delivered Some 195 Newtons Of Force

Alex, The African Grey Parrot, Is The Only Animal To Ever Ask An Existential Question. He Asked “What Color” He Was

Prisoners From Indiana Were Given Cats To Look After As Part Of A Rehabilitation Scheme. Here Is One Prisoner With A Hat He Knitted For His Cat!

Work with children. As someone who works in early childhood education I've had the cops called on me three times when I took my kiddos to the park. Thankfully I know the beat cop quite well so it has never caused me any real issues, but the fact that people see "Adult man...interacting with children???" and assume I'm a violent predator honestly hurts a lot. My team is all big, burly, heavily tattooed men, but we are all insanely qualified to do our jobs, but that all means nothing to some random Karen who sees scary-looking me give piggyback rides or do a girl's braids. I had a bad childhood and just want to care of the little ones, kindly [screw] off.
I had to defend my thesis over Zoom and many professors came into the call to watch. My thesis was about immune response in fish to parasites. One professor joined late and forgot to mute her mic and we got treated to this little gem: "Shhhh. Mommy is learning about fish parasites, which is what you'll get if you don't stop peeing in the koi pond."
I was visiting my best friend during a lecture and she had her mic and video turned off. She then had to join a group discussion and sometimes unmuted herself to contribute something. After that the whole class was supposed to present their results and she supposedly muted herself again. I started venting to her how wasps are considered wild bees even though they have no business beeing bees because they're a**holes and suddenly we hear laughter from her professor and her classmates. She forgot to mute herself.
One time in an art class (separate from my school) my dad knocked on my door. It was dead silent at that point, everyone was working on their projects. I clicked the mute button and yelled "WHAT!?" Turns out my mic was already muted and I turned it on. I startled the entire class and the teacher asked if I was okay.
When I was doing an online Algebra camp, the teacher forgot to turn off his Mic while we were supposed to be doing some problems. He said "I f*****g hate math."
During my English class, this one girl forgot to mute herself. While my teacher was talking, she almost deafened all of us on the Zoom call answering her mother's questions. Her mother (from a distance): "What class are you in?" Her (yelling): English! Her mother: Oh, the hot teacher? Her: Yeah that guy Now, even I'll admit my teacher is fairly attractive, but it does take it to another level when you get your own mother involved. Thankfully, our teacher is a chill guy and thought the whole thing was just kind of funny, and kind of just gave a general reminder to the class to keep mics muted. She didn't say anything for the rest of the class.Show All 29 Upvotes

geometric_dolphin • commented on 6 posts 3 years ago
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geometric_dolphin • submitted a list addition 3 years ago

geometric_dolphin • submitted 2 new posts 4 years ago

geometric_dolphin • submitted a list addition 3 years ago

geometric_dolphin • submitted 5 list additions 4 years ago

geometric_dolphin • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago

geometric_dolphin • commented on 16 posts 3 years ago

geometric_dolphin • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago

Secretary Birds Are Famous For Its Snake-Stomping Legs; A Single Kick Delivered Some 195 Newtons Of Force

Alex, The African Grey Parrot, Is The Only Animal To Ever Ask An Existential Question. He Asked “What Color” He Was

A Little Boy About 3 Came Up To Me And Asked If My Head Was Cold. I Said Yes A Little Bit (Melbourne Weather) He Took His Beanie Off And Said That I Could Have It

** Happy Pride! @overheardnewyork 2 Train At 14th Street. 🧔👶 overheard By @qunty 📥 #poppadoespreach #overheardnewyork #overheardla

Lit A Match To Light A Candle On The Toilet. Flew Out Of My Hand And Landed In My Underwear While Burning

Prisoners From Indiana Were Given Cats To Look After As Part Of A Rehabilitation Scheme. Here Is One Prisoner With A Hat He Knitted For His Cat!

Work with children. As someone who works in early childhood education I've had the cops called on me three times when I took my kiddos to the park. Thankfully I know the beat cop quite well so it has never caused me any real issues, but the fact that people see "Adult man...interacting with children???" and assume I'm a violent predator honestly hurts a lot. My team is all big, burly, heavily tattooed men, but we are all insanely qualified to do our jobs, but that all means nothing to some random Karen who sees scary-looking me give piggyback rides or do a girl's braids. I had a bad childhood and just want to care of the little ones, kindly [screw] off.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

geometric_dolphin • 41 followers