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rennie roo
Community Member
14 posts
1.2K points
Hey there! My name's Rennie, and I love cats, spring, and yoga. I am a proud lesbian, My favorite color is yellow,(because it's happy) and I hope you have an amazing day! ✨💛
rennie roo • upvoted 38 items 2 years ago
Dark_Shade_75 reply
Security guard currently for big pharma plant. Watched a guy make out with a barrel of some unknown chemical in the dispensing room. Couldn’t bring myself to report it.anon reply
Worked as a harbour master a while ago. Had to check the marinas cameras after a boat was abandoned at our docks. I was looking for the owner. I looked on the tape from the boats first night in the marina. The man who had sailed the boat in was standing on the end of his boat for 2 hours, barely moving. Then at 1:30am he just walked off the back and dropped into the water. He never came back up. Never found his body. Freaky.Show All 38 Upvotes
rennie roo • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
rennie roo • submitted a new post 2 years ago
rennie roo • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
rennie roo • submitted 15 list additions 3 years ago
rennie roo • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
rennie roo • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Dark_Shade_75 reply
Security guard currently for big pharma plant. Watched a guy make out with a barrel of some unknown chemical in the dispensing room. Couldn’t bring myself to report it. rennie roo • is following 15 people
rennie roo • 79 followers