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Premislaus de Colo
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
LemmySixx reply
That governments allow events to take place so they can implement security restrictions. The riots in the UK and protests across the EU are allowed, possibly even encouraged. The citizens will demand order by any means necessary and thats when the restrictions will come in.
icecoldpoker2 reply
The one about Bitcoin being invented by an AI, which is now accumulating a huge amount of computer power by greedy humans building big bitcoin mining centres to make money, but all they are doing is building an ultra resilient network for the AI to run on. The AI also has a huge amount of wealth to now pay anonymously to humans to do it's dirty work in the physical world.
A superintelligence at some point wants more computation and robot arms - given robot arms aren't all that great, money is the next best thing, as humans will do anything for bigger numbers on their bank account.
For me, it's truely terrifying.
NoSoupForYou1985 reply
When light bulbs were created, they lasted forever. Producers noticed that would be a limited business and engineered them to go out after a certain period so they could continuously sell them.
modsonredditsuckdk reply
Human are nothing more than a virus destroying the larger organism earth. Earth will eventually get a fever in an attempt to rid herself of us.
squirrely_danielson reply
The current social wars were designed to distract us from the trillions of dollars that went from the middle class to the wealthy. It will continue to happen while people fight over body parts and bedroom activities. The people almost broke through with Occupy Wall St. but the PTB continue to divide people to make sure it can't happen again.