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I'm a bisexual teenager from the United States who loves Minecraft and hates Fitz Vacker.
therealrose357 • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
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therealrose357 • upvoted 35 items 2 years ago
TIL that the Magic Eraser has no chemical solvents in it. Instead it is a special foam with super sharp microscopic edges that basically scrapes off dirt.Nevermind04 reply
IT - that we just Google everything. It's not true. Sometimes we remember the solution from the last time we googled it.My McDonald's Themed Deck Of Cards Has The Queen Holding The Burger, So There Wouldn’t Be A Burger King
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
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therealrose357 • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
therealrose357 • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
therealrose357 • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
therealrose357 • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
TIL that the Magic Eraser has no chemical solvents in it. Instead it is a special foam with super sharp microscopic edges that basically scrapes off dirt.Nevermind04 reply
IT - that we just Google everything. It's not true. Sometimes we remember the solution from the last time we googled it. therealrose357 • is following 2 people