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Cecilia Harris
Community Member

1 posts
27 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

Cecilia Harris • upvoted 18 items 2 years ago

shadow_legion reply
There is no way Stanislav Petrov isn't the most badass person ever. On September 26, 1983, Lt. Colonel Stanislav Petrov was in command at Serpukhov-15, a bunker where the Soviets monitored their satellite-based detection systems. Shortly after midnight, panic broke out when an alarm sounded signaling that the United States had fired five Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or ICBMs, toward Russia. The warning was a false alarm—one of the satellites had misinterpreted the glint of sunlight off clouds near Montana as a missile launch—but to the Soviets, it appeared the United States had started a nuclear war. Protocol demanded that Serpukhov-15 report any signs of a missile launch to the Soviet high command, but Petrov had a hunch the warning was an error. He knew the new satellite system was mistake-prone, and he also reasoned that any nuclear strike by the Americans would come in the form of hundreds of missiles, not just five. With only minutes to make a decision, Petrov chose to ignore the blaring warning alarms and reported the launch as a false alarm—a move that may have averted a nuclear holocaust. The incident remained classified until after the Cold War ended, but Petrov later received several humanitarian awards for his extraordinary actions, and was even honored by the United Nations.
drunk_portuguese reply
Not sure it applies but the meteor that brought an end to the dinossaurs was so massive that the crater actually started forming itself before it even touched ground, due to the unbelievable air pressure Edit: this definitely does not apply as I read geology, and not geography, I'm an idiotShow All 18 Upvotes

Cecilia Harris • upvoted 22 items 3 years ago

Back In 2006 When We Lived In Thailand I Couldn't Find A Guitar Hero Guitar For My Playstation 2 So I Hacked A Knock-Off Dualshock Controller And A Mosquito Zapper Into A DIY Guitar Hero Controller - Complete With A Mercury Switch For Star Power

How f**king dark life actually is. Like, is this all we do, just grind away at jobs we try to care about, but no one else cares about, barely able to afford our bills/houses/debts, constantly struggling with relationships and trauma and watching our political system fail us, our country fail us, our systems fail us, like... this life is not what happy, adolescent me dreamed it would be. Sorry to get real dark on y’all.
Having to respect a damaging point of view because it's part of someone's religion. No, I don't have to respect your belief that women are inferior or that LGTBQ+ people shouldn't have rights because your religion tells you to believe that. It's a bad point of view.
You aren’t a hero or even a good person just because you’re in the military
I Made All Of These This Week. Rather Than Listening To Negative Persons Who Called Them Ugly Earlier Today, Im Still Proud Of Them

Don’t ever think it’s ok to “talk” to yourself in a manner you wouldn’t let another human being talk to you. The biggest abuser I ever had in my life, was my constant companion: the thoughts in my head. We often take care to choose our words when correcting a child or friend... but if anyone had talked to me, the way I talked to me for 30 straight years, I would have murdered them... and probably got away with it too. Be nice to yourself, you’re the only you, you have.
The value of walking away from someone toxic in your life, even if it is your parents and family. If you are thinking of it and are scared and have somewhere where you can land in a safe place, then do it. It hurts like hell for a long while, but it gets better and one day you realize how peaceful your life is and you find you only miss the family you wish you had had.Show All 22 Upvotes

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Cecilia Harris • upvoted 19 items 2 years ago

shadow_legion reply
There is no way Stanislav Petrov isn't the most badass person ever. On September 26, 1983, Lt. Colonel Stanislav Petrov was in command at Serpukhov-15, a bunker where the Soviets monitored their satellite-based detection systems. Shortly after midnight, panic broke out when an alarm sounded signaling that the United States had fired five Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or ICBMs, toward Russia. The warning was a false alarm—one of the satellites had misinterpreted the glint of sunlight off clouds near Montana as a missile launch—but to the Soviets, it appeared the United States had started a nuclear war. Protocol demanded that Serpukhov-15 report any signs of a missile launch to the Soviet high command, but Petrov had a hunch the warning was an error. He knew the new satellite system was mistake-prone, and he also reasoned that any nuclear strike by the Americans would come in the form of hundreds of missiles, not just five. With only minutes to make a decision, Petrov chose to ignore the blaring warning alarms and reported the launch as a false alarm—a move that may have averted a nuclear holocaust. The incident remained classified until after the Cold War ended, but Petrov later received several humanitarian awards for his extraordinary actions, and was even honored by the United Nations.
drunk_portuguese reply
Not sure it applies but the meteor that brought an end to the dinossaurs was so massive that the crater actually started forming itself before it even touched ground, due to the unbelievable air pressure Edit: this definitely does not apply as I read geology, and not geography, I'm an idiot
Cecilia Harris • upvoted an item 3 years ago
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