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Rembrandt Q. Einstein
Community Member
6 posts
504 points
Just looking for stuff to help re-direct my mind after a busy day of doing life.
Rembrandt Q. Einstein • upvoted an item 1 year ago
Rembrandt Q. Einstein • upvoted 33 items 2 years ago
Curiosities, Parenting
50 Delightfully Creepy Things Kids Did That Are Both Hilarious And Concerning
Toilet With A U-Shaped Divot In The Front
Answer: It's a type of handicap toilet, more common in Europe than the US. It's supposed to have an open-front seat, too. That allows a person to slide straight onto and off of the seat (such as from a wheelchair), without their genitals ever touching the seat or the bowl. This is more comfortable and decreases spread of disease.My Two Older Children Were Trying To Lay Out All Of Their Pokémon Cards, But The Youngest Kept Intervening, So They Duct-Taped Him To A Chair
People Are Sharing Their Megalophobia Moments, And Here Are 50 Pics That Creeped Them Out (New Pics)
At my last restaurant job, my coworker would make very ugly sundaes for customers who were rude. For particularly nice customers, she would painstakingly recreate the sundaes in the menu pictures and give them extra cream and sprinkles.Raised-In-Cult-Realized-Something-Wrong
When we were told that we couldn't go to college. I was about 15 when I realized that we weren't allowed to. The elders said it was because of the end time coming and wasting time, and worry about fellowship in the world. It is because they want to keep us stupid. That was the year I left. That was compounded because the same year my cousin tried to kill herself, and they told us not to visit. I hadn't been baptized yet (you wait until you are old enough to study and consent) so I told the elders that if we weren't allowed to talk to her in her greatest time of need, they could shove it.Show All 33 Upvotes
Rembrandt Q. Einstein • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
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Rembrandt Q. Einstein • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Rembrandt Q. Einstein • submitted 4 new posts 3 years ago
Rembrandt Q. Einstein • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Rembrandt Q. Einstein • submitted 11 list additions 3 years ago
Rembrandt Q. Einstein • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
“Corporate Cringe”: 30 Of The Best Workplace Memes And Posts Shared By This Dedicated Instagram Page
Rembrandt Q. Einstein • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Toilet With A U-Shaped Divot In The Front
Answer: It's a type of handicap toilet, more common in Europe than the US. It's supposed to have an open-front seat, too. That allows a person to slide straight onto and off of the seat (such as from a wheelchair), without their genitals ever touching the seat or the bowl. This is more comfortable and decreases spread of disease. Curiosities, Parenting
50 Delightfully Creepy Things Kids Did That Are Both Hilarious And Concerning
My Two Older Children Were Trying To Lay Out All Of Their Pokémon Cards, But The Youngest Kept Intervening, So They Duct-Taped Him To A Chair
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