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Aviation Panda
Community Member
1 posts
784 points
Aviation Panda • commented on 24 posts 1 year ago
In Case You’re Having A Bad Day, Here Are 35 Hilarious Memes Shared By “Meme Lord” Instagram Account
This Photographer Shares His Edited Photos To Show How Much Online Images Are Photoshopped (30 pics)
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Aviation Panda • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
Aviation Panda • upvoted 13 items 1 year ago
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Aviation Panda • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Aviation Panda • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
Aviation Panda • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
In Case You’re Having A Bad Day, Here Are 35 Hilarious Memes Shared By “Meme Lord” Instagram Account
This Photographer Shares His Edited Photos To Show How Much Online Images Are Photoshopped (30 pics)
Aviation Panda • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
syarkbait reply
My 33 year old husband was diagnosed with inoperable glioblastoma (most aggressive brain cancer) in January 2019, when he was 31. What caused him to get a check, was persistent headache that didn’t go away with paracetamols and sleep. We discovered the tumours after taking an MRI. Needless to say, our lives were changed forever. Now we are at the end of our journey, and it’s been a harrowing experience for me as his wife and caregiver. It’s a lonely journey. I don’t wish it upon anyone and no one has any idea what glioblastoma is like, unless they have gone through it. The median survival time is 14-18 months. We are on our 18th month now.. and given days/ weeks left. Every day is a gift, and I’m glad I get to be holding his hands every day, even if he’s resting and sleeping most of the time. As long as he is not in pain, and that the morphine patches are working, that is fine by me... I can’t handle him going through anymore pain. Edit: Thank you so much for sharing your stories, giving me strength and support, and I’m so blessed to even be receiving all of your kindness. It’s such a touchy subject and I’m hurt all the time, but you guys being so kind, really makes me cry happy tears. I’m so touched. I don’t know how to describe it but I feel a little bit lifted. And that’s more than I can ask for, from the Internet. My husband, Viktor, would have been so grateful, to know that he is loved and supported by more people than he thought he was. Thank you. ❤️ Edit (2nd Aug): Viktor has passed away yesterday, on 1st August, 7.43pm Swedish time. He was surrounded by his brother and me and smiled a lot to the very end. At his final resting position, his face looked relaxed and a little smile can be seen by us too. I am still in shock, processing what has happened to us. I’ll take the time I need to process this and grieve. I just miss my husband. I miss his laughs. I miss his smile. I feel loved. I know I’m loved. So that’s keeping me together. Thank you so much for your kind support even though we are strangers on the Internet. I am both saddened and moved by the generosity of others to offer support, love and to bare their personal pain related to GBM/cancer/loss in general. Thank you. May Viktor find peace. I know he’s not in pain now.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Aviation Panda • 3 followers