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Just a small town girl.
Community Member
1 posts
528 points
I am a woman. My age? well I am 3 x 5 - 6 Divided by 2 x 9 - 3 + 16 x 14 then divided by 14! Your answer will be totally right or totally wrong... I got both so ya. I have a knack for photography. I want to get out of here and travel! I am an extroverted introvert. I have ADAD and I love anything funny! I live in the USA. It is pretty lonely during quarantine. LOVE DOGS! Love any animal that is not a spider. ( I have arachnophobia) My dog is my profile picture! I love Die Hard, and Monty Python and the holy grail.
Just a small town girl. • started following 3 people 1 year ago
Show All 3 People
Just a small town girl. • upvoted 37 items 1 year ago
Parenting, Relationships
Woman Asks If She’s A Jerk For Not Punishing Her Daughter Because Of How She Rejected Another Kid
40 Company Secrets These People Have Revealed Since They Don't Work There Anymore Or Just Don't Care
Tokzillu reply
Bachelor party and Bachelorette party was in the same town (road trip) at the same time. Towards the end of the night, after all the drinking and strippers, the two groups merged in drunkenness well past closing times of any bar or club. I hooked up with the maid of honor while the two to be married had a drunken screaming match about strippers and some guy who apparently talked to the bride-to-be and she tried to invite him to her hotel room. They did get married (the wedding drama was nuts, too) but it's one of those marriages where you're wondering how long until it cracks. They do *not* have a healthy relationship and now there's meth involved in their lives. I don't talk to either of them anymore. Still with the maid of honor, though. We bought a house last year. So that's cool. Curiosities
This Online Group Is Dedicated To “Mildly Interesting” Stuff, And Here Are Their 50 Best Posts (New Pics)
Fails, Funny
"Work Safety? What's That?": 40 Times Health And Safety Didn't Even Make It To The Priority List, As Shared On "OSHA" Online Group (New Pics)
30 Times People Realized They’re Not The Brightest Crayon In The Box, As Shared In This Online Group
This Facebook Page Is All About 'Awkward Memes,' And Here Are 35 Of The Most Randomly Hilarious Ones
Parenting, Social Issues
This Online Thread Is Dedicated To Shaming Parents That Cross The Line With Their 'Helicopter Parenting' Behavior (30 Answers)
Show All 37 Upvotes
Just a small town girl. • submitted a new post 4 years ago
Just a small town girl. • submitted 13 list additions 3 years ago
Just a small town girl. • submitted 7 list additions 4 years ago
Just a small town girl. • commented on a post 1 year ago
Just a small town girl. • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago
Just a small town girl. • commented on 9 posts 3 years ago
Just a small town girl. • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Parenting, Relationships
Woman Asks If She’s A Jerk For Not Punishing Her Daughter Because Of How She Rejected Another Kid
40 Company Secrets These People Have Revealed Since They Don't Work There Anymore Or Just Don't Care
Tokzillu reply
Bachelor party and Bachelorette party was in the same town (road trip) at the same time. Towards the end of the night, after all the drinking and strippers, the two groups merged in drunkenness well past closing times of any bar or club. I hooked up with the maid of honor while the two to be married had a drunken screaming match about strippers and some guy who apparently talked to the bride-to-be and she tried to invite him to her hotel room. They did get married (the wedding drama was nuts, too) but it's one of those marriages where you're wondering how long until it cracks. They do *not* have a healthy relationship and now there's meth involved in their lives. I don't talk to either of them anymore. Still with the maid of honor, though. We bought a house last year. So that's cool. Just a small town girl. • is following 34 people
Just a small town girl. • 57 followers