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Indian girl who loves writing, art and nature
Proximity to Russia. It's literally the only thing that I feel threatened by there as otherwise it's maybe not the best but still a chill place to live (Latvia).
USA - I freak out at the thought that a young woman who was sexually assaulted must then (if impregnated) give birth to the child she never wanted because some bastards and their poisoned offspring are “pro-life”.
starburstw reply
China - the Uyghur concentration camps. I’m from that area and I couldn’t believe it when the news first came out. As a matter of fact, I didn’t learn about many negative historical events of China until I left, and I can never look at the CCP the same way.
Jackstract reply
Norway - S*icide season is coming up :/.
As have been stated already Seasonal depression is pretty real when the sun disappears from your life (even when the sun is out, it's very weak and the vitamins you might catch from it in summer is literally just gone). Add the "most wonderful time of the year" over commercializing, and everyone seeing their family and loved ones will put a massive looking glass on your possible lack of loved ones and the fact this time don't feel too wonderful for everyone. "everyone else is happy, but I'm not" but supercharged.
I first started noticing the trend in 2017 when 4 people I knew personally left in the span of 3 months. It was even mentioned in the Kings speech the year after
IrishSpiceBag reply
I am from the United States—I don’t care about people having different political opinions or beliefs but there is a massive issue on people being misinformed and wildly uneducated on certain topics.
rassamakha reply
Ukraine - Oh god. Missiles and drones that try to kill us every single day. F**k russia.
Realistic_North_1291 reply
Nepal - Corruption is something that has killed my country over the years.
Jackstract reply
Norway - S*icide season is coming up :/.
As have been stated already Seasonal depression is pretty real when the sun disappears from your life (even when the sun is out, it's very weak and the vitamins you might catch from it in summer is literally just gone). Add the "most wonderful time of the year" over commercializing, and everyone seeing their family and loved ones will put a massive looking glass on your possible lack of loved ones and the fact this time don't feel too wonderful for everyone. "everyone else is happy, but I'm not" but supercharged.
I first started noticing the trend in 2017 when 4 people I knew personally left in the span of 3 months. It was even mentioned in the Kings speech the year after
starburstw reply
China - the Uyghur concentration camps. I’m from that area and I couldn’t believe it when the news first came out. As a matter of fact, I didn’t learn about many negative historical events of China until I left, and I can never look at the CCP the same way.
Proximity to Russia. It's literally the only thing that I feel threatened by there as otherwise it's maybe not the best but still a chill place to live (Latvia).
IrishSpiceBag reply
I am from the United States—I don’t care about people having different political opinions or beliefs but there is a massive issue on people being misinformed and wildly uneducated on certain topics.
rassamakha reply
Ukraine - Oh god. Missiles and drones that try to kill us every single day. F**k russia.