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Nicolas Velez
Community Member
1 posts
186 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Nicolas Velez • upvoted 40 items 5 years ago
BF Decides To See How Far He Can Take Parading Engagement Ring In Front Of His GF Without Her Noticing (22 Pics)
I know you are trying to help but you don't do CPR on someone who is actively telling you to stop between compressionsNever-Thought-Would-Have-To-Say-Grown-Adults-Health-Care
My first job after graduating high school involved instrument sterilization at a dental office. One day an elderly woman came in with a complaint of chronic halitosis (bad breath) and stomach problems. Standard procedure for admitting a new patient is to take x rays after removing all metals from the neck and up. The woman carefully pulled out her jewelry and hair pins and the panoramic x-ray was taken and quickly developed. With the imagery in hand, the tech noticed that the woman had not removed her upper denture. The tech returned to the room and let the patient know that she had accidentally left her dentures in and that the x-ray would have to be re-done. At this point the woman expressed confusion about taking out her dentures, the creeping horror set in once the tech realized that the patient had never removed her dentures from her mouth for several years. Our dentist came into the room and explained proper denture care with her before explaining that he needed to have a look give them the circumstances... he pulled out the denture and discovered, to his horror, that the patient not only had maggots underneath the dentures in her mouth but that her hard palate had completely disintegrated. The miasma that swept through the office resulted in cancellations of all appointments for the rest of the day to ventilate the office and clean up all of the staff vomit.... Yes, you HAVE to wash your dentures daily! Entertainment
Ryan Reynolds Congratulates Wife Blake Lively On Her Birthday By Posting The Worst Pics Of Her And 5.6 Million People Love It
I Found This Last Week And It’s Definitely My Favorite Thing I’ve Seen At An Antique Or Thrift Store. Introducing The Violin Vampire Killing Kit!
Two Months Ago, My 20 Year Old Kitty Passed Away. After All Those Years, I've Been Heartbroken. Yesterday I Went Downtown To The Salvation Army Store And Found This Gem. I Pasted My Kitty's Photo In The Image So You Can See How Amazing This Is. I Mean. It Is Her!
My 6 Year Old Spent Her Allowance On A Hand Painted, Canvas Portrait Of A Goat She Found At The Flea Market. Yes It Came Home. It's Now Hung In Her Room
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Nicolas Velez • commented on 3 posts 5 years ago
Nicolas Velez • commented on 17 posts 6 years ago
Nicolas Velez • upvoted 20 items 5 years ago
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Nicolas Velez • 11 followers