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Nick C
Community Member

1 posts
202 points
Software developer and photographer. I like dogs.

Nick C • upvoted an item 6 years ago

Nick C • submitted 2 list additions 7 years ago

Nick C • commented on 4 posts 7 years ago
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Nick C • upvoted 29 items 7 years ago

People Share The Most Ridiculous Reasons Why They Ended Their Relationships (Add Yours)
I briefly dated a lady who was very attractive but, I soon learned, probably fell comfortably into the 5th percentile of IQ. I'm from Africa and told her about traditional weddings in my country, where a cow would often be slaughtered in front of the guests, for their consumption. She screwed up her face and said something like "Oh my god, who eats cows?". I looked at her for a moment, and asked "Do you eat beef?". "Yes," came the reply. I got up and left shortly afterwards.
People Share The Most Ridiculous Reasons Why They Ended Their Relationships (Add Yours)
She married and divorced young, had twin boys, and one died of SIDS. That was OK. What wasn't OK was her having her 5 year old son (the surviving twin) call her by her first name.
I made a comment about hating the fact that there are security cameras everywhere. She fired back with the bullshit "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" argument. I knew we weren't meant to be.
Her voice was annoying and when speaking she placed emphasis on the weirdest parts of the sentence.
When making tea, she didn't stir it, but clanked the spoon noisily against each side of the cup repeatedly.
He once came with his eyes open and crossed. Just really freaked me out. I could never get the picture of his face out of my mind after that.
He lived on a busy street. His bedroom had two large windows that faced the street. No curtains.
Funny, I just had a friend telling me stories of a guy who broke up with his girlfriends for petty reasons. Apparently he broke up with his most recent ex for two reasons: 1: She didn't know how to make scrambled eggs. 2: They were making hot chocolate in a pot, and she was moving it from the pot to her mug with a small spoon. One spoonful at a time.
Barbeque sauce. She was from St. Louis and decided that St. Louis style was the ONLY bbq sauce that she would use. I season and smoke a beautiful brisket, and she slathers it with sweet bbq sauce WITHOUT EVEN TRYING IT AS IT WAS INTENDED. I'm getting angry now.
She wouldn't french kiss when we made out! I couldn't wrap my head around what she thought making out was. What do you do in this situation?! Do you just peck at one another's face until you become aggravated and try to move on? The dynamics were just all wrong.
She had the smelliest upper buttcrack. Its almost as if she would wash her buttcrack with a dirtier buttcrack
When she wore heels, she walked like Jar-Jar-Binks. You know what I'm talking about.
I left my ex because she would never clear the leftover time on the microwave.
For wearing too much pink. Some days her entire outfit was bright pink. No thanks
She tried to snuggle and be cute during Inception. Never once did she pay attention. Then it ended and she told me she hated it because it was too confusing. I never could let it go.
She wouldn't change the volume on the TV to an even number. I mean how hard is it to put the TV on 30 instead of 29
She drank beer from a can through a straw. Not the only reason we broke up, but that was the straw that broke it.Show All 29 Upvotes

Nick C • upvoted 4 items 8 years ago
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Nick C • submitted a new post 9 years ago

Nick C • submitted 2 list additions 7 years ago

Nick C • commented on 4 posts 7 years ago

Nick C • commented on 4 posts 8 years ago

Nick C • upvoted 12 items 5 years ago

Nick C • upvoted 8 items 7 years ago

People Share The Most Ridiculous Reasons Why They Ended Their Relationships (Add Yours)
I briefly dated a lady who was very attractive but, I soon learned, probably fell comfortably into the 5th percentile of IQ. I'm from Africa and told her about traditional weddings in my country, where a cow would often be slaughtered in front of the guests, for their consumption. She screwed up her face and said something like "Oh my god, who eats cows?". I looked at her for a moment, and asked "Do you eat beef?". "Yes," came the reply. I got up and left shortly afterwards.
People Share The Most Ridiculous Reasons Why They Ended Their Relationships (Add Yours)
She married and divorced young, had twin boys, and one died of SIDS. That was OK. What wasn't OK was her having her 5 year old son (the surviving twin) call her by her first name.
Funny, I just had a friend telling me stories of a guy who broke up with his girlfriends for petty reasons. Apparently he broke up with his most recent ex for two reasons: 1: She didn't know how to make scrambled eggs. 2: They were making hot chocolate in a pot, and she was moving it from the pot to her mug with a small spoon. One spoonful at a time.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet