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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Hey Panda's What Do You Think Of The New Bored Panda?
Exactly what I want when reading BP in bed, having my screen very white. Who makes someone pay for dark mode??
Hey Panda's What Do You Think Of The New Bored Panda?
You don't have enough money with all the ads?!? If you think you can trick anyone into paying for what's become basically a glorified version of BF, you're overestimating my loyalty AND underestimating my intelligence.
Hey Panda's What Do You Think Of The New Bored Panda?
Pretty cräppy, and think it'll get worse..... been here a long time and it's really gone downhill lately.....
Hey Panda's What Do You Think Of The New Bored Panda?
Exactly what I want when reading BP in bed, having my screen very white. Who makes someone pay for dark mode??
Hey Panda's What Do You Think Of The New Bored Panda?
You don't have enough money with all the ads?!? If you think you can trick anyone into paying for what's become basically a glorified version of BF, you're overestimating my loyalty AND underestimating my intelligence.
Hey Panda's What Do You Think Of The New Bored Panda?
Pretty cräppy, and think it'll get worse..... been here a long time and it's really gone downhill lately.....