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Natalie O!
Community Member
This panda is a hard working momma, whose philosophy is- don't stop moving!! You can do 5 things at once!!! Hurry up!!! We have to leave!
And then relax---- we made it!
MycoFemme reply
Funerals. Horrible use of resources and environmentally harmful. Also, it puts the grieving through so much unnecessary nonsense. My late husband had some serious forethought and refused to allow us to have a funeral. At first I was taken aback but in the end, it was so much easier on me and my kids. He wanted to be cremated and we spread his ashes in a small ceremony with close family when I was ready to let him go.
SuperMeh2 reply
Parents giving their kids expensive vehicles.
You see a high school douchebag driving a lifted 250 with chrome wheels. Hauling literally nothing but clearly worth the $100,000.
Is it any wonder why the economy’s in shambles, repossessions are up, and entitlement is through the roof?
Just get them a basic 10+ year old Camry or Civic.
247Justice reply
Doctors and really all providers who schedule an appointment and are expected to be late while you are expected to be early and penalized for being late. Doctors, meetings, interviews, service appointments... and copays before I receive a service of any kind.
RefrigeratorOk5465 reply
Bras and panties are taboo but swimwear isn’t. Literally the same s**t just water resistant material.
Scuh reply
Wearing brand name clothing. As long as you have nice clean clothes on I don’t care what brand they are.
free-toe-pie reply
Health insurance. You pay plenty for it. Yet you also pay a ridiculous amount if you have any sort of major health problem. What’s the point? The whole system is completely broken.
Wonderful-Neat-5341 reply
Pretending to like small talk when all you really want is to skip to the part where you can comfortably ignore each other.
ThingsOfThatNaychah reply
Insurance companies thinking they know better than doctors about our health needs. I want to see that system crumble and disappear before the end of my life. Probably won't happen, but I still want it.
MissusNilesCrane replied:
Doctor: My patient needs prior authorization for X medication because generic isn't effective.
Pharmacy: The doctor says his patient needs name-brand medication for his patient.
Insurance: Does she really, though? Better check with the doctor.
The story of my life.
MycoFemme reply
Funerals. Horrible use of resources and environmentally harmful. Also, it puts the grieving through so much unnecessary nonsense. My late husband had some serious forethought and refused to allow us to have a funeral. At first I was taken aback but in the end, it was so much easier on me and my kids. He wanted to be cremated and we spread his ashes in a small ceremony with close family when I was ready to let him go.
SuperMeh2 reply
Parents giving their kids expensive vehicles.
You see a high school douchebag driving a lifted 250 with chrome wheels. Hauling literally nothing but clearly worth the $100,000.
Is it any wonder why the economy’s in shambles, repossessions are up, and entitlement is through the roof?
Just get them a basic 10+ year old Camry or Civic.
Wonderful-Neat-5341 reply
Pretending to like small talk when all you really want is to skip to the part where you can comfortably ignore each other.
RefrigeratorOk5465 reply
Bras and panties are taboo but swimwear isn’t. Literally the same s**t just water resistant material.
247Justice reply
Doctors and really all providers who schedule an appointment and are expected to be late while you are expected to be early and penalized for being late. Doctors, meetings, interviews, service appointments... and copays before I receive a service of any kind.
free-toe-pie reply
Health insurance. You pay plenty for it. Yet you also pay a ridiculous amount if you have any sort of major health problem. What’s the point? The whole system is completely broken.
ThingsOfThatNaychah reply
Insurance companies thinking they know better than doctors about our health needs. I want to see that system crumble and disappear before the end of my life. Probably won't happen, but I still want it.
MissusNilesCrane replied:
Doctor: My patient needs prior authorization for X medication because generic isn't effective.
Pharmacy: The doctor says his patient needs name-brand medication for his patient.
Insurance: Does she really, though? Better check with the doctor.
The story of my life.