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3 posts
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NawalZM • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

Animals, Art
25 Inspiring Comics Made By Some Of The Most Famous Artists That Highlight Environmental Issues

Hey Pandas, Who’s Your Favourite Singer/Band?
Shawn Mendes, I think he’s very underrated but that’s just my opinion
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It?
My poor dead kitty, Princess Bubblegum..... 4 years now, as sad as it make me, remembering her fat little, caramel coloured belly still make me smile....
Ask Pandas, Community
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It? (Closed)

Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It?
Friends. Not friends that you just have. Real friends. Ones that care about you. Ones that make you smile, not a humored smile, a genuine smile that comes with a huge amount of pleasure.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It?
My 1 year-old niece. When I get home from work she always comes running into the kitchen from wherever she was playing and shouts "Hi Aunty!" It's the cutest thing ever. She also likes to watch my rom-coms with me, curled up on my bed. Also dogs. Dogs are the best. The other day I met two chihuahua-cross babies in Walmart named Jane and Tom (and their human) and they were SO happy to say hello and it made my day. Also whenever my boy texts me.🤗
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It?
The thought or sight of my dog never ceases to make me happy. Her playful energy, fluffy jet-black fur, and gentle yet spirited nature, are the reasons why they make her one of my greatest sources of joy.
Hey Pandas, Share Your Life Lessons
Don’t let others change your belief or opinion. If someone disagrees with you, remember, there will be people who disagree, but there will also ALWAYS be people who agree ❤️
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It?
My niece(20m) and nephew(4years)
Hey Pandas, Share Your Life Lessons
If I could tell younger me something important it would be, "don't forget to have fun!" I was listening to some music that I hadn't listened to in 20 years and remembered how happy I was when I was younger, without a care for the future. Somewhere along the way it became all about working for the future, but I failed to specify when "the future" would start. I no longer work because of my terminal cancer, so I guess the future caught up with me. There's always work and when you die your inbox is likely to be full, but it doesn't matter. Enjoy the people in your life or find others. Whatever your age, make time to enjoy life. Nobody really knows how long they have, don't wait to find out your expiration date.Show All 20 Upvotes

NawalZM • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago

NawalZM • submitted 3 new posts 1 year ago
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NawalZM • commented on 14 posts 1 year ago
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NawalZM • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago

NawalZM • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago

NawalZM • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

Ask Pandas, Community
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It? (Closed)

Hey Pandas, Who’s Your Favourite Singer/Band?
Shawn Mendes, I think he’s very underrated but that’s just my opinion
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It?
My 1 year-old niece. When I get home from work she always comes running into the kitchen from wherever she was playing and shouts "Hi Aunty!" It's the cutest thing ever. She also likes to watch my rom-coms with me, curled up on my bed. Also dogs. Dogs are the best. The other day I met two chihuahua-cross babies in Walmart named Jane and Tom (and their human) and they were SO happy to say hello and it made my day. Also whenever my boy texts me.🤗
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It?
Friends. Not friends that you just have. Real friends. Ones that care about you. Ones that make you smile, not a humored smile, a genuine smile that comes with a huge amount of pleasure.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It?
My poor dead kitty, Princess Bubblegum..... 4 years now, as sad as it make me, remembering her fat little, caramel coloured belly still make me smile....
Hey Pandas, Share Your Life Lessons
Don’t let others change your belief or opinion. If someone disagrees with you, remember, there will be people who disagree, but there will also ALWAYS be people who agree ❤️
Animals, Art
25 Inspiring Comics Made By Some Of The Most Famous Artists That Highlight Environmental Issues

Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Makes You Smile Every Time You Think About It?
The thought or sight of my dog never ceases to make me happy. Her playful energy, fluffy jet-black fur, and gentle yet spirited nature, are the reasons why they make her one of my greatest sources of joy.
Hey Pandas, Share Your Life Lessons
If I could tell younger me something important it would be, "don't forget to have fun!" I was listening to some music that I hadn't listened to in 20 years and remembered how happy I was when I was younger, without a care for the future. Somewhere along the way it became all about working for the future, but I failed to specify when "the future" would start. I no longer work because of my terminal cancer, so I guess the future caught up with me. There's always work and when you die your inbox is likely to be full, but it doesn't matter. Enjoy the people in your life or find others. Whatever your age, make time to enjoy life. Nobody really knows how long they have, don't wait to find out your expiration date.
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