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Hazel • upvoted 30 items 2 years ago
In my astronomy course we were reviewing sig figs as an introductory topic. Our instructor brought out these models to help us grasp just how big 1 million was. These models were plastic tubs (think UTZ cheese balls, but smaller diameter) filled with 1 million microbeads of assorted colors. I don't remember exactly how many of each color there were, so the math is most likely not going to add up. Anyways there were something along the lines of 250k red beads, 100k green beads, 50k blue, 10k teal, 5k yellow, etc, and a singular black bead. Ms. Instructor told us that nobody in her classes had ever found the black dot. I looked over at it scanned it for a few seconds, and found the black bead, stuck to the wall of the just by static electricity. My lab partner was in disbelief, so he shook it up and started looking again. I found it a second time. So I suppose it was a one in a trillion. Regardless I bought a bunch of lottery tickets that day at the recommendation of my astronomy instructor. TL;DR Playing with jugs that had 999,999 colored microbeads and a singular black bead. Found black bead twice.Show All 30 Upvotes
Hazel • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago
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Hazel • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Hazel • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
In my astronomy course we were reviewing sig figs as an introductory topic. Our instructor brought out these models to help us grasp just how big 1 million was. These models were plastic tubs (think UTZ cheese balls, but smaller diameter) filled with 1 million microbeads of assorted colors. I don't remember exactly how many of each color there were, so the math is most likely not going to add up. Anyways there were something along the lines of 250k red beads, 100k green beads, 50k blue, 10k teal, 5k yellow, etc, and a singular black bead. Ms. Instructor told us that nobody in her classes had ever found the black dot. I looked over at it scanned it for a few seconds, and found the black bead, stuck to the wall of the just by static electricity. My lab partner was in disbelief, so he shook it up and started looking again. I found it a second time. So I suppose it was a one in a trillion. Regardless I bought a bunch of lottery tickets that day at the recommendation of my astronomy instructor. TL;DR Playing with jugs that had 999,999 colored microbeads and a singular black bead. Found black bead twice. Hazel • is following a person
Hazel • 18 followers