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Muhammad Farabi
Community Member
2 posts
207 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Muhammad Farabi • upvoted 24 items 1 year ago
I'd Been Looking For A Replacement Blanket For My Favorite Wamsutta Comforter. Top Is The One In Use For 40+ Years. Bottom Is The Replacement
As An 8th To 9th-Grade Science Teacher, I Noticed My Students Would Draw A Lot On Their Papers. Anytime I Came Across A Drawing, I Added Something To It
Bubur Ayam Is A Must Try If You Visit Indonesia! It Is Usually Eaten As Breakfast And Each Region Has Their Own Recipe!
I remember one time in school, I was walking down the hall with my books in my arms. A random bully ran down the hall and slapped them down, hard, sending all my stuff flying everywhere. In a movie, everyone would point and laugh. In movies, that sort of obvious bullying of a nerd would be treated as funny and normal. In reality, the other kids gasped, and a few random kids stopped and helped me gather up my things. I remember one girl saying, "That was so mean."Kellbag91 reply
I was seven years of age, I had an argument with my mother the night before she died. Before I went to bed she asked me for a hug I told her NO and stormed off to bed. The next morning I woke up to find everyone in the house was gone, it was very surreal and confusing. My father came back in that morning crying and told me my mother had died of a brain hemorrhage.. Never go to bed on an argument.Show All 24 Upvotes
Muhammad Farabi • submitted 7 list additions 1 year ago
Muhammad Farabi • commented on 9 posts 1 year ago
Show All 9 Comments
Muhammad Farabi • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Muhammad Farabi • submitted 7 list additions 1 year ago
Muhammad Farabi • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Muhammad Farabi • commented on 9 posts 1 year ago
Muhammad Farabi • commented on 11 posts 2 years ago
Muhammad Farabi • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
I'd Been Looking For A Replacement Blanket For My Favorite Wamsutta Comforter. Top Is The One In Use For 40+ Years. Bottom Is The Replacement
As An 8th To 9th-Grade Science Teacher, I Noticed My Students Would Draw A Lot On Their Papers. Anytime I Came Across A Drawing, I Added Something To It
I remember one time in school, I was walking down the hall with my books in my arms. A random bully ran down the hall and slapped them down, hard, sending all my stuff flying everywhere. In a movie, everyone would point and laugh. In movies, that sort of obvious bullying of a nerd would be treated as funny and normal. In reality, the other kids gasped, and a few random kids stopped and helped me gather up my things. I remember one girl saying, "That was so mean."Bubur Ayam Is A Must Try If You Visit Indonesia! It Is Usually Eaten As Breakfast And Each Region Has Their Own Recipe!
Kellbag91 reply
I was seven years of age, I had an argument with my mother the night before she died. Before I went to bed she asked me for a hug I told her NO and stormed off to bed. The next morning I woke up to find everyone in the house was gone, it was very surreal and confusing. My father came back in that morning crying and told me my mother had died of a brain hemorrhage.. Never go to bed on an argument.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Muhammad Farabi • 1 follower