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281 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Phantom682🇺🇦 • commented on 21 posts 2 years ago
Show All 21 Comments
Phantom682🇺🇦 • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Phantom682🇺🇦 • upvoted 16 items 2 years ago
The World Is My Home
Quit my job when I was 24 and went traveling around the world for a year. Parents wanted me to buy a house with my savings but I spent it all on seeing the world instead.So You Don't Want To Accept My Vacation Request?
I had put in vacation for 2 days to go back home for my grandpa’s bday 4 months in advance. Request gets accepted. 2 weeks before my vacation, there is a shift change and now my trip would take up a whole week of work. I inform my boss that I’ll be taking a whole week now, he tells me that’s fine and to go update the vacation request. I go to HR to update my request, instead of just changing the date range the HR person tries to delete the request and make a new one. Only problem is we were in a vacation blackout time (no new requests get accepted for that month because of workload), so they end up canceling my vacation and then go “oh whoops looks like you can’t put in a new request too bad”. My boss gets pissed and has my back but HR isn’t budging, not the first time our department has been screwed over. I tell HR “I’m still going on vacation. I’m not gonna miss out on seeing my family because you guys are incompetent. Fire me or don’t fire me, I don’t really care at this point.” My boss tells me to enjoy my time off and we can worry about stuff when I get back from break. Grandpa’s bday was great, had fun seeing the family and friends from back home. I come back after a week and I’m still employed. Boss and boss’s boss explained to HR that I’m the only one in our department who’s qualified to do what I do, and if they want to lose a bunch of money getting a 3rd party contractor to replace me than that’s their right to, they’ll just have to explain to the finance officer and general manager why we’d be bleeding money all of a sudden. I don’t work there anymore but I hope my old boss is doing well, he was a homie. Side story, that same boss took 2 weeks of vacation when the Shadowlands expansion of WoW released. Man’s got his priorities straight haha. When I asked him what did he tell HR and his boss he was like “Those people don’t need to know what I do or don’t do with my vacation time, I’m taking my vacation time.”Procrastination Is A Fine Art
For a serial procrastinator like me.....This is my whole life. Sometimes, I have to postpone those dealings with consequences too. It's an art as well as science.What's Your Best Joke That Shouldn't Be Funny But It Is?
Why is the orphan bad at baseball? He can’t find home What’s a reverse exorcism? When the devil asks the priest to leave the child’s body What do you call a lonely 6 year old? A sandy hook survivor What’s the difference between Hitler and Michael Phelps? Michael Phelps can finish a race Have you heard the one about the child with aids? It never gets old What do you call a flat emo girl? A cutting board I should stop before bp bans me lolThePowerglove reply
I never wound up working for them, but a summer camp offered me $2000 for the summer to lifeguard for them. The contract they wanted me to sign would've made me buy my lifeguarding shirts from them (they have to provide the first 2 uniforms), charge me for lunch regardless if I ate there during my break, they weren't going to pay me for mandatory training (which they're required to pay me for), and wanted me to work 30 extra hours, unpaid, over the course of the summer. When I factored in those extra hours and the unpaid training (20 hours), it turned out I would be making about $5.25/hr, which is well under minimum wage. I'd also be making about $500 less because of they would be charging me for lunch, which devalued my pay per hour even more. After analyzing everything, I called the Department of Labor, faxed them a copy of the contract, and the camp got slapped with a huge fine. Needless to say, I went elsewhere to work.Show All 16 Upvotes
Phantom682🇺🇦 • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Phantom682🇺🇦 • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Phantom682🇺🇦 • submitted 6 list additions 2 years ago
Phantom682🇺🇦 • submitted 13 list additions 3 years ago
Phantom682🇺🇦 • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Phantom682🇺🇦 • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
The World Is My Home
Quit my job when I was 24 and went traveling around the world for a year. Parents wanted me to buy a house with my savings but I spent it all on seeing the world instead.So You Don't Want To Accept My Vacation Request?
I had put in vacation for 2 days to go back home for my grandpa’s bday 4 months in advance. Request gets accepted. 2 weeks before my vacation, there is a shift change and now my trip would take up a whole week of work. I inform my boss that I’ll be taking a whole week now, he tells me that’s fine and to go update the vacation request. I go to HR to update my request, instead of just changing the date range the HR person tries to delete the request and make a new one. Only problem is we were in a vacation blackout time (no new requests get accepted for that month because of workload), so they end up canceling my vacation and then go “oh whoops looks like you can’t put in a new request too bad”. My boss gets pissed and has my back but HR isn’t budging, not the first time our department has been screwed over. I tell HR “I’m still going on vacation. I’m not gonna miss out on seeing my family because you guys are incompetent. Fire me or don’t fire me, I don’t really care at this point.” My boss tells me to enjoy my time off and we can worry about stuff when I get back from break. Grandpa’s bday was great, had fun seeing the family and friends from back home. I come back after a week and I’m still employed. Boss and boss’s boss explained to HR that I’m the only one in our department who’s qualified to do what I do, and if they want to lose a bunch of money getting a 3rd party contractor to replace me than that’s their right to, they’ll just have to explain to the finance officer and general manager why we’d be bleeding money all of a sudden. I don’t work there anymore but I hope my old boss is doing well, he was a homie. Side story, that same boss took 2 weeks of vacation when the Shadowlands expansion of WoW released. Man’s got his priorities straight haha. When I asked him what did he tell HR and his boss he was like “Those people don’t need to know what I do or don’t do with my vacation time, I’m taking my vacation time.”Procrastination Is A Fine Art
For a serial procrastinator like me.....This is my whole life. Sometimes, I have to postpone those dealings with consequences too. It's an art as well as science.What's Your Best Joke That Shouldn't Be Funny But It Is?
Why is the orphan bad at baseball? He can’t find home What’s a reverse exorcism? When the devil asks the priest to leave the child’s body What do you call a lonely 6 year old? A sandy hook survivor What’s the difference between Hitler and Michael Phelps? Michael Phelps can finish a race Have you heard the one about the child with aids? It never gets old What do you call a flat emo girl? A cutting board I should stop before bp bans me lol Phantom682🇺🇦 • is following 15 people
Phantom682🇺🇦 • 74 followers