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14 posts
3.2K points
Support Ukraine 💛💙
i'm bi 💗💜💙 (hence my username) im from Romania. and for those who think Transylvania does not exist, ive been there so HA. im a hufflepuff and a scorpio!

Bisexual_idiot • commented on 14 posts 1 year ago
Show All 14 Comments

Bisexual_idiot • upvoted 23 items 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
well in 1st grade, i had moved about 4-5 times. the last school i ended up at i had finally made a friend. that next year in 2nd grade, she had turned on me, physically hurt me and stole my money. just last year, in 6th grade, i had a really good friend, the first friend i actually went out with. he had moved actually exactly this month, so last april, and when i was asking for his contact stuff like his email or anything, he said "be patient, later" he never gave it to me...then this year i come to find out he was only nice to me, him and my friend were dating last year but my friend said he actually forced him into it. so turns out he was a real jerk and now im glad i cant contact him.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
Back when I was about 12 a boy asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend, I overthought the whole situation, spent two weeks to answer him. The day I decided to say yes my """friend""" went behind my back and asked him to be her boyfriend lol karma is a b***h tho and their "relationship" was a year of not talking at all except for random conversations during the interval. I ended up relieved I dodged a bullet there
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
She pretended to be my friend for months after a mutual friend introduced us, for the purpose of (I assume) getting that mutual friend to have a crush on her. Me and the mutual friend stopped talking (we're on better terms now) and kind of "broke up" a week after me and my then boyfriend broke things off, and this b***h decided it was the perfect time to tell me that we "never really clicked" and straight-up ghost me so she could date the mutual friend. I hate her with a passion, and I am tempted to put a pack of Peeps (with the red dye) in her locker, since I know she'll eat them without even bothering to wonder who they belong to :)
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
There's so many I'll stick with these though. Sorry if I get overdramatic or smth but it'll still probably be accurate. Btw I'm 13. 1. "Friend" were gonna call him "J" So basically I liked someone but apparently J liked them too or was just a bi**h I'm not sure what exactly but basically J spread a bunch of rumors like apparently I said that I wanted to bang this person or I called that person a b**ch or some sh**. Basically I ended up running for my life being chased by a kid with a fu**ing knife. ONE YEAR LATER 2. "Friend" = "Q" Q tells everyone who I like, including that person. I'm not gonna get into a lot of detail here it's insanely convoluted but one of my real friends basically beat up Q while I was avoiding school and I can see exactly how this chain of events lead up to two months ago, when I almost committed s**cide.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
Oh BOY, do I have a doozy for you all. So. When I was in 6th grade, I hade a “friend” named Maddy (her real name because honestly f**k her). She was a TEXTBOOK toxic friend… gaslighting, overly sexual, pretended to have bipolar and used it to excuse everything she did, made you feel like absolute s**t about yourself while always playing the victim. Also, this was during the height of my horrible undiagnosed autism awkward attempts to fit in, so basically tried to mimic her. It sucked. Oh and also apparently she was racist to my best friend. So anyways, one day I’m going to lunch, find the table, and there are like 4 new people there, and no empty seats. I awkwardly hang around trying to ask if someone could move, but no dice. Eventually I give up, and go to an empty table, eating my sad school lunch by my sad self, until by best friend gets up and sits by me. I really wish I could say that was the end of it, but nope. She moved that summer and everyone finally kinda snapped out of it and was like, “oh yeah f**k her she was the WORST.” And thus ends the saga of Maddy the B***h.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
My friend would only hang out with us for weed. She would manipulate us and victimize herself. She told her ex to Jill herself and lied about it. She is a real d**k.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
my gosh do i have a million of these. let's start with one friend. so i met her in 3rd grade and all was fine for a few months. then she said that i was bragging about everything (i was not) but to be fair she was going through a tough time, her parents were getting divorced, so i let her be. fast forward to fifth grade we hung out at lunch and recess and stuff and we texted quite a bit. then covid happened, we were still fine but she decided to do band while i did show choir. i was upset about it but it was her choice still. we kept in contact the whole summer and then 6th grade started. i was online, she was in person, she had made new friends and talked about them all the time. now i don't have a problem with my friends making other friends except for the fact that she wouldn't let me have other friends. then the second semester of 6th grade happened. i went in person that semester because it was too stressful at home. one of the friends that she made ditched her because she was jealous of me and my friend blamed me for it. she would get mad whenever i talked about show choir because she only wanted to talk about herself.there was another band friend she had who she would see in the hallway and interrupt me to talk to them (they're not friends anymore and we actually became really good friends this year). but it was just so much drama and that's when my mental health started to be affected. finally one day i decided to stop being friends with her. i pulled her aside at recess one day in april and i told her i can't keep doing this. we didn't talk for an entire summer. then we both got smartphones and we reconnected in august, right before the start of 7th grade. we decided to try being friends again. and we were best friends, but it was even harder this time. she wouldn't get as mad when i would talk about show choir and choir cause she had more band friends but it was just weird. she was trying to gatekeep my friends. and one friend that we both had back in 5th grade had turned against me. it just kept on spiraling downward and about the same time i had just one year before, i ghosted her. it was a s****y thing to do i know but it worked, sort of? she ended up going into a mental hospital a month later but she was already struggling, it just made me feel really guilty. now we have a few classes together but we decided we're better off not ever being best friends again. sorry for the long post lol.Show All 23 Upvotes

Bisexual_idiot • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago

Bisexual_idiot • submitted a list addition 1 year ago

Bisexual_idiot • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago

Bisexual_idiot • submitted 7 new posts 2 years ago

Bisexual_idiot • submitted 5 new posts 3 years ago

Bisexual_idiot • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago

Bisexual_idiot • submitted 8 list additions 2 years ago

Bisexual_idiot • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago

Bisexual_idiot • commented on 15 posts 1 year ago

Bisexual_idiot • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago

Bisexual_idiot • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
well in 1st grade, i had moved about 4-5 times. the last school i ended up at i had finally made a friend. that next year in 2nd grade, she had turned on me, physically hurt me and stole my money. just last year, in 6th grade, i had a really good friend, the first friend i actually went out with. he had moved actually exactly this month, so last april, and when i was asking for his contact stuff like his email or anything, he said "be patient, later" he never gave it to me...then this year i come to find out he was only nice to me, him and my friend were dating last year but my friend said he actually forced him into it. so turns out he was a real jerk and now im glad i cant contact him.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
Back when I was about 12 a boy asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend, I overthought the whole situation, spent two weeks to answer him. The day I decided to say yes my """friend""" went behind my back and asked him to be her boyfriend lol karma is a b***h tho and their "relationship" was a year of not talking at all except for random conversations during the interval. I ended up relieved I dodged a bullet there
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
She pretended to be my friend for months after a mutual friend introduced us, for the purpose of (I assume) getting that mutual friend to have a crush on her. Me and the mutual friend stopped talking (we're on better terms now) and kind of "broke up" a week after me and my then boyfriend broke things off, and this b***h decided it was the perfect time to tell me that we "never really clicked" and straight-up ghost me so she could date the mutual friend. I hate her with a passion, and I am tempted to put a pack of Peeps (with the red dye) in her locker, since I know she'll eat them without even bothering to wonder who they belong to :)
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
My friend would only hang out with us for weed. She would manipulate us and victimize herself. She told her ex to Jill herself and lied about it. She is a real d**k.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Fake Friend Story?
There's so many I'll stick with these though. Sorry if I get overdramatic or smth but it'll still probably be accurate. Btw I'm 13. 1. "Friend" were gonna call him "J" So basically I liked someone but apparently J liked them too or was just a bi**h I'm not sure what exactly but basically J spread a bunch of rumors like apparently I said that I wanted to bang this person or I called that person a b**ch or some sh**. Basically I ended up running for my life being chased by a kid with a fu**ing knife. ONE YEAR LATER 2. "Friend" = "Q" Q tells everyone who I like, including that person. I'm not gonna get into a lot of detail here it's insanely convoluted but one of my real friends basically beat up Q while I was avoiding school and I can see exactly how this chain of events lead up to two months ago, when I almost committed s**cide.
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