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Mutlut krutnut
Community Member

4 posts
325 points
I am mutlut krutnut! (Pronounced mootloot krootnoot) - my hobby is reading- I am currently writing a book- I care a lot about stopping climate change- I live in nyc- I am a feminist - I am a Potterhead

Mutlut krutnut • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago

Supposedly A Girl In A Kindergarten In Poland Drew This As Her "Draw My Family" Picture. The Teachers Contacted A Psychologist, But It Turned Out That On Weekends, The Girl's Entire Family Like To Scuba Dive Together

Hey Pandas, What Is A Messed Up Part Of Society That Has Been Normalized?
Using religion as an excuse for horrible things (Homophobia, racism, greed, etc)
Hey Pandas, What Is A Messed Up Part Of Society That Has Been Normalized?
women saying sorry all the time because they feel like they have to. Man: *steps on womans shoes and trips her* Woman: omg im so sorry! ore you ok? Man: Its alright, i forgive you! *walks away* People around who saw what happened: what a gentleman!Show All 4 Upvotes

Mutlut krutnut • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago

Mutlut krutnut • submitted a new post 1 year ago

Mutlut krutnut • started following a person 1 year ago

Mutlut krutnut • submitted a list addition 1 year ago

Mutlut krutnut • upvoted 26 items 2 years ago

My girlfriend dumped me, so I stole her wheelchair. Guess who came crawling back?
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
My husband and I are both Marine Corps veterans and are members of our local American Legion. I will literally be wearing a "Woman Veteran" t-shirt (because that's all they make) and the older members will go up to my husband and thank him for his service. My husband is awesome and tells them "be sure to thank her, too".
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Told me there was no point in saving for university because I was just going to end up "barefoot and pregnant anyway." Direct quote. From my father. In 1993. I have a Master's now.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
he raped me i am trans and then when he found out he tryed to kill me
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Asked me if my nipples are brown or pink, I didn't know the person
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
I was working for a nightclub and one of our regular costumers, who was loved by all the ladies - he was tall and handsome, asked me out for a date. We had a great evening, he was such a gentleman. We had dinner at a fancy restaurant, we laughed a lot, we ran into some of his friends and he introduced me jokingly as his ‘future wife’. I really felt a ‘click’. It was about 22:00 when we were heading home and since it was a Friday, he asked me if I wanted to have some tea or coffee at his place and watch a movie. I said yes and 15 min later I was really comfortable at his couch with my tea & cookie when he was suddenly in front of me, really close to my face, pulled out his d*ck and said: “please suck me!”. I was in total shock, I mean, we didn’t even kiss so I didn’t think I gave him ‘the wrong idea’. The moment he saw my reaction, he started apologizing, but all I wanted is to go home. He drove me home (about 10min) and didn’t stop apologizing, but… WEIRDO! I don’t really get why I got back in his car, luckily nothing happened. He called & texted me multiple times after this ‘incident’, but of course I never called him back, and ignored him whenever he came over to the club (+ obviously warned my girlfriends). It’s really the weirdest twist of a great evening + also the rudest thing a guy has ever done to me.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
I used to work at a John Deere Dealership and was the mechanic handling all the recall warranty repairs. No particular reason, I was the one randomly selected to do it. It got so I was fast, I could tear down the mower in 15 minutes flat, make the parts swap and have it back together in a little over half an hour. Enter The Guy. The Guy doesn't want a woman touching his mower. Women can't be mechanics, and I'd only mess it up. The Guy actually said that to my face. And he was gonna watch! To make sure I didn't get my lady germs on his manly mower, I guess. Shout out to my boss, who told The Guy he'd personally handle the repair and then had me walk him though the entire process. Boss asked the most inane questions, grabbed the wrong tools, tried to install the part upside down (all this was on purpose.) The Guy stood there a watched for the two hours my boss dragged it out. Coulda' had it in a quarter of the time, but you know, cooties.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
When I was 20, I was sitting on a log by a river in a nature preserve in the European city where I was studying. (I'm not naming the city, because I don't want to slam it.) A guy sat down next to me and started chatting. I made brief pleasantries, but didn't express interest. He walked away for a moment, and I thought, "Good." Next thing you know, he's back with his pants down, stroking himself. He followed me through this wooded area, and it was clear he was thinking it was a good day to rape somebody. I ran for a while, then scrambled up a hill and picked up a large rock. The look on my face must have said, "Dude, you're gonna die," because he gave up and left. So yeah. That was pretty rude. Can't say I've ever done anything like that to a guy.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
A creepy stranger in his 40's came up to me on the street when I was late teens and said I look sexy... I just turned on my heels and ran as fast as I could away from him. Can't help but feel I dodged a bad one there... Guys don't ever tell a woman that she looks sexy unless you are in a relationship with her! It's just wrong on all levels.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
I have autism. I don’t stare at people, but I zone out frequently. Well, this one guy decided to make my life a living hell. He called me a stalker, made most of my friends turn against me, and literally made authorities against me so he wouldn’t get in trouble. He would bully me verbally, and I’ve told me to kill myself when I was just reading a damn clock! Ik this prolly isn’t what you are thinking about, but he is a guy, and it was the rudest thing a guy has done to me, especially as I was depressed and my nana died at that time too.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Back in college while on a first date, we ran into my dates best friend. My date placed his hands on my shoulders, turned me so I was directly facing his friend, and said, "So what do you think?" His friend then started to guess my bra size. I am ashamed to say that I was so stunned that I just stood there and said nothing. Needless to say, I never went on a second date with that jerk.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Grabbed my boobs whilst asking if he could touch them, every woman you know has been a victim of sexual assault in some way. It is not OK.
Out Of Boredom, I Tried To Take A Photo Of A My Sink Draining, I Got A Photo Of An Eye Shaped Whirlpool Instead

Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
My first bf r@ped me and then tried to blame the bad atmosphere on me and making me feel guilty by saying "don't you love me enough to sacrifice that little thing for me?" I promptly said no -and then he didn't speak to me for days! (I lived with him and had nowhere to move away to. So I half-heartedly stayed with him for a month or so afterwards. Not my best choice ever but I was 18 years old and did NOT want to end up on the streets, risking having to stop going to high school). I think that is the rudest thing a person can ever do to another. Rude is a nice way of saying it. 😤 A lighter one: I was an intern at a museum when I was in my early 30s. There was this volunteer that was at the museum each Thursday. He was an elderly man (ca. 75 years old). The first 1-2 months he made it clear that he disliked young girls that didn't know a thing about history while he was looking in my direction (he was talking to another guy at the museum). The old man never said a word to me. UNTIL the day he figured out that I had graduated from the university and had studied religion and history. Suddenly he enjoyed having conversations with me about all sorts of things. At some point he made a comment to me about something that he thought I'd learn or come to terms with by the time I turned 30. "Sir, I'm 32...." oh, the look on that man's face 😁
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Super cute guy from work asked me out, I was new to the city and happily accepted. He picked me up, we had a great dinner and a couple of drinks (he neglected to tell me that he was in recovery) and then wanted to take me to a party. Okay, why not? Well we hadn’t been there 5 minutes and cutie disappears .. I don’t know a soul, or even where we are, and start looking around for him. Nowhere to be found! MF left me!!! I found out at work on Monday that he went on a huge bender and ended up in jail for stealing some jet skis. Worst night of my life. Probably dodged a huge bullet thoShow All 26 Upvotes

Mutlut krutnut • upvoted 4 items 3 years ago
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Mutlut krutnut • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago

Mutlut krutnut • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago

Mutlut krutnut • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago

Mutlut krutnut • upvoted 6 items 1 year ago

Supposedly A Girl In A Kindergarten In Poland Drew This As Her "Draw My Family" Picture. The Teachers Contacted A Psychologist, But It Turned Out That On Weekends, The Girl's Entire Family Like To Scuba Dive Together

Hey Pandas, What Is A Messed Up Part Of Society That Has Been Normalized?
Using religion as an excuse for horrible things (Homophobia, racism, greed, etc)
Hey Pandas, What Is A Messed Up Part Of Society That Has Been Normalized?
women saying sorry all the time because they feel like they have to. Man: *steps on womans shoes and trips her* Woman: omg im so sorry! ore you ok? Man: Its alright, i forgive you! *walks away* People around who saw what happened: what a gentleman!
Mutlut krutnut • upvoted 14 items 2 years ago

Out Of Boredom, I Tried To Take A Photo Of A My Sink Draining, I Got A Photo Of An Eye Shaped Whirlpool Instead

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