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UpQuarkDownQuark (he/him)
Community Member

Musician, aspiring armchair scientist, bitter old man since 1971.

anon reply
I don’t understand why straight men don’t want gay men around. Gay men aren’t after women, so the more there are the less actual competition there is for the straight girls.

Hey Pandas, Share A Controversial Opinion You Hold
I feel some people are born heterosexual and others are not. To me, God made us and He doesn’t make mistakes. So gay, bi, LGBTQ, however you feel, is just how it is. It is not a choice. Nobody influenced ME to be attracted to the opposite sex, thats just how God made me. My daughter loves her wife and I am happy for her! And I hate the term “straight” because the opposite of that is crooked and being attracted to the same sex is not crooked. Lastly, we don’t question people about being heterosexual, its no big deal. So why do we have to label and question a LGBTQ person.

anon reply
I don’t understand why straight men don’t want gay men around. Gay men aren’t after women, so the more there are the less actual competition there is for the straight girls.