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Mia Steiner
Community Member
1 posts
20 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Mia Steiner • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Mia Steiner • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Mia Steiner • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
"Visiting his parents' retirement village in Florida, my middle-aged friend, Tim, went for a swim in the community pool while his elderly father took a walk. Tim struck up a conversation with the only other person in the pool, a five-year-old boy. After a while, Tim's father returned from his walk and called out, "I'm ready to leave." Tim then turned to his new friend and announced that he had to leave because his father was calling. Astonished, the wide-eyed little boy cried, "You're a kid?"Old-People-Jokes
"Visiting his parents' retirement village in Florida, my middle-aged friend, Tim, went for a swim in the community pool while his elderly father took a walk. Tim struck up a conversation with the only other person in the pool, a five-year-old boy. After a while, Tim's father returned from his walk and called out, "I'm ready to leave." Tim then turned to his new friend and announced that he had to leave because his father was calling. Astonished, the wide-eyed little boy cried, "You're a kid?"Old-People-Jokes
"One of my fourth graders asked my teacher's assistant, "How old are you, Mrs. Glass?" "You should never ask an adult's age," I broke in. "That's okay," Harriett said smiling. "I'm fifty." "Wow, you don't look that old," the boy said. I was breathing a sigh of relief when another child chimed in, "Parts of her do."Show All 3 Upvotes
Mia Steiner • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Mia Steiner • upvoted an item 3 years ago
2nd grade teacher had our class naming the hottest things we could think of. A few kids already said the most obvious, like "sun" and "fire" so the third thing I could think of off the top of my head was "lava". Turns out lava isn't real, then the teacher had the whole class laugh at me for it. Made me feel stupid as hell for years until I learned that lava is real, and my teacher was a d**k. Mia Steiner • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Mia Steiner • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Mia Steiner • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Mia Steiner • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Mia Steiner • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Mia Steiner • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
"Visiting his parents' retirement village in Florida, my middle-aged friend, Tim, went for a swim in the community pool while his elderly father took a walk. Tim struck up a conversation with the only other person in the pool, a five-year-old boy. After a while, Tim's father returned from his walk and called out, "I'm ready to leave." Tim then turned to his new friend and announced that he had to leave because his father was calling. Astonished, the wide-eyed little boy cried, "You're a kid?"Old-People-Jokes
"One of my fourth graders asked my teacher's assistant, "How old are you, Mrs. Glass?" "You should never ask an adult's age," I broke in. "That's okay," Harriett said smiling. "I'm fifty." "Wow, you don't look that old," the boy said. I was breathing a sigh of relief when another child chimed in, "Parts of her do." Mia Steiner • upvoted an item 3 years ago
2nd grade teacher had our class naming the hottest things we could think of. A few kids already said the most obvious, like "sun" and "fire" so the third thing I could think of off the top of my head was "lava". Turns out lava isn't real, then the teacher had the whole class laugh at me for it. Made me feel stupid as hell for years until I learned that lava is real, and my teacher was a d**k.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet