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Mia G
Community Member
1 posts
457 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Mia G • upvoted 39 items 1 year ago
Downtown_Tadpole_817 reply
I have never done less at a job and got paid as much. I do actually use the downtime to study for more certs so I can get more money for even less work! That's actually not a joke.middlingwhiteguy reply
Yes. It's called winning capitalism. The ultimate victory is working from home with one of those jobs. You're paid for your skills to do a specific type of work and you have the rest of the day for yourselfShow All 39 Upvotes
Mia G • commented on a post 1 year ago
Mia G • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Mia G • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Mia G • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Mia G • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
canada_mike reply
If we didn't brush our teeth before bed mice will climb into your mouth and eat the food between your teeth. That's why your mouth tastes gross in the morning when you don't brush, the mouse poops in theremiddlingwhiteguy reply
Yes. It's called winning capitalism. The ultimate victory is working from home with one of those jobs. You're paid for your skills to do a specific type of work and you have the rest of the day for yourselfDowntown_Tadpole_817 reply
I have never done less at a job and got paid as much. I do actually use the downtime to study for more certs so I can get more money for even less work! That's actually not a joke. Mia G • is following a person