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Agata Brannon Photography
Community Member
Agata is a maternity, newborn and family photographer based in Long Grove, Illinois
Agata discovered she had a passion for photography several years ago after purchasing her first professional camera. Self taught, she spent the better part of the the last two decades mastering her craft!
Agata is among the most acclaimed Maternity and Newborn photographers in the Chicagoland. She has over 8 years of experience and is a master at her craft. She was voted as one of the Chicago's Top Maternity Photographers in 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020.
She loves antiquing and finding the finest photography props for her work. When not photographing newborns in her downtown Long Grove studio, can be found browsing along the historic streets.
Agata was born and raised in a small town in Poland. She moved to the United States in the early 90's and has called Chicagoland her ‘home’ ever since