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Maya Jones
Community Member
6 posts
1.3K points
I'm Maya. I love writing, and hearing other peoples feelings and stories. (Sort of like Therapy) Acting makes me happy, and so does dancing freely!
Maya Jones • commented on 21 posts 3 years ago
Show All 21 Comments
Maya Jones • submitted 6 list additions 3 years ago
Maya Jones • upvoted 13 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Who's A Character You Hate To Love, And Why?
dabi, i love him too much i hate myself for it. but he's so hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtHey Pandas, What Is Your Gut Feeling Story?
I was sleeping one night and I had a bad dream about something bad happening to my mom and I. I woke up that morning with a horrible headache and really bad pains in my chest. It felt ask if I was punched by the strongest man in the world to my chest. That afternoon, my mom and I were in the car on my way to rehearsals for my play and the next thing we knew we were in a cloud of smoke. Somebody had rear ended us spun us out of control. I slammed my face against the dashboard and has the same headache. The airbag popped out and hit me in the chest. The same feelings came back to me.Hey Pandas, Got Any Advice For A Girl About To Go To Junior High?
Hi queen! I'm in 6th grade too about to go to junior high! I recommend we live life hopefully because junior high is going to be living hell. But that's okay! Stay positive! let's not worry about dating just quite. Make sure to get all your work done and respect everyone especially the teachers! You seem like a sweet person so don't worry too much. Mistakes will be made, just learn from them. Have a great day and make sure you have a clique. They are helpful, trust me. Choose what elections make you happy. Love you!! -MayaHey Pandas, What Is A Unique Nickname Your Parents Called You When You Were A Kid?
turd nugget, and petiteShow All 13 Upvotes
Maya Jones • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Maya Jones • submitted 4 new posts 4 years ago
Maya Jones • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
Maya Jones • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Maya Jones • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Who's A Character You Hate To Love, And Why?
dabi, i love him too much i hate myself for it. but he's so hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtHey Pandas, What Is Your Gut Feeling Story?
I was sleeping one night and I had a bad dream about something bad happening to my mom and I. I woke up that morning with a horrible headache and really bad pains in my chest. It felt ask if I was punched by the strongest man in the world to my chest. That afternoon, my mom and I were in the car on my way to rehearsals for my play and the next thing we knew we were in a cloud of smoke. Somebody had rear ended us spun us out of control. I slammed my face against the dashboard and has the same headache. The airbag popped out and hit me in the chest. The same feelings came back to me.Hey Pandas, Got Any Advice For A Girl About To Go To Junior High?
Hi queen! I'm in 6th grade too about to go to junior high! I recommend we live life hopefully because junior high is going to be living hell. But that's okay! Stay positive! let's not worry about dating just quite. Make sure to get all your work done and respect everyone especially the teachers! You seem like a sweet person so don't worry too much. Mistakes will be made, just learn from them. Have a great day and make sure you have a clique. They are helpful, trust me. Choose what elections make you happy. Love you!! -MayaHey Pandas, What Is A Unique Nickname Your Parents Called You When You Were A Kid?
turd nugget, and petiteHey Pandas, What’s Something New You’ve Recently Gotten Into?
Okay, so this isn't technically recent, but I would still love to share. I do archery, I'm still young, but it's amazing. I;ve been doing archery for about 5 years now, and I've gotten pretty good. I have a compound bow, and I want it to be my future!!! Maya Jones • is following 11 people
Maya Jones • 68 followers