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Max L.
Community Member
2 posts
12.2K points
Mi dispiace, ma io so' io
Max L. • upvoted an item 1 year ago
DeicideandDivide reply
Didn't happen to me. But I remember a coworker of mine getting fired because he put laxatives in his own lunch bag. Some d******d kept stealing parts of our lunches. Turned out, it was our supervisor. Edit: Jesus Christ...that's a lot of upvotes Edit 2: I'm not to keen on the specifics since that coworker and I weren't exactly friends or anything. Just kind of had simple conversations during lunch and whatnot. Apparently it is illegal to poison food with malicious intent. And some of my friends who worked there said he got into some legal trouble because of it. Nothing came of it from what I heard. But that's about all I know. Max L. • commented on 32 posts 2 years ago
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Max L. • upvoted 7 items 2 years ago
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Max L. • submitted 2 list additions 4 years ago
Max L. • submitted a list addition 6 years ago
Max L. • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Max L. • upvoted an item 1 year ago
DeicideandDivide reply
Didn't happen to me. But I remember a coworker of mine getting fired because he put laxatives in his own lunch bag. Some d******d kept stealing parts of our lunches. Turned out, it was our supervisor. Edit: Jesus Christ...that's a lot of upvotes Edit 2: I'm not to keen on the specifics since that coworker and I weren't exactly friends or anything. Just kind of had simple conversations during lunch and whatnot. Apparently it is illegal to poison food with malicious intent. And some of my friends who worked there said he got into some legal trouble because of it. Nothing came of it from what I heard. But that's about all I know. Max L. • upvoted 19 items 2 years ago
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