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Maryam Siddiqui
Community Member
4 posts
3.6K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Maryam Siddiqui • upvoted 8 items 2 years ago
Entertainment, Funny
My Husband And I Spent Our Time In Lockdown Recreating Iconic Scenes From 36 Famous Movies And TV Series
Curiosities, Photography
I Often Like To Mix Beauty With A Lil' Creepiness, Here Are My 12 Dark And Moody Portraits
Show All 8 Upvotes
Maryam Siddiqui • upvoted 32 items 3 years ago
I drove us. Started to parallel park (been working/parking in SF for years by then) and he said, “I’ll park this for you, women don’t do well at parallel parking.” At dinner he was dismissive only to female wait staff. I ran into these two hilariously drunk surfer dudes on my way from the bathroom, they told me my date was a jerk. We laughed about it and I went back to my table. When leaving, the drunk dudes were also outside, I said bye to them and Assholio had the nerve to bark, “she’s with me!” I told him to wait while I got in the car and unlocked the doors..except I didn’t. I drove off and left him standing there. The two drunk dudes whooped and yelled go, lady, go! Such an awesome finish to a terribly embarrassing date.Show All 32 Upvotes
Maryam Siddiqui • submitted 4 new posts 4 years ago
Maryam Siddiqui • submitted 20 list additions 4 years ago
Maryam Siddiqui • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago
Maryam Siddiqui • commented on 18 posts 4 years ago
Maryam Siddiqui • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
I drove us. Started to parallel park (been working/parking in SF for years by then) and he said, “I’ll park this for you, women don’t do well at parallel parking.” At dinner he was dismissive only to female wait staff. I ran into these two hilariously drunk surfer dudes on my way from the bathroom, they told me my date was a jerk. We laughed about it and I went back to my table. When leaving, the drunk dudes were also outside, I said bye to them and Assholio had the nerve to bark, “she’s with me!” I told him to wait while I got in the car and unlocked the doors..except I didn’t. I drove off and left him standing there. The two drunk dudes whooped and yelled go, lady, go! Such an awesome finish to a terribly embarrassing date. Maryam Siddiqui • 56 followers