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i've been inactive for a whileeee

rissahrtsmh • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
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rissahrtsmh • commented on 13 posts 3 years ago
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rissahrtsmh • upvoted 22 items 3 years ago

Hey Pandas, What's Something Cringe You Did As A Kid?
So when I was younger I was doing a report on Alaska and I learned there were Indians there and so I looked at my mom and asked "wait I thought all indian's were in Indiana" and my mom replayed "no no sweetie not just there" and now that is just a dumb thing I said but funny as hell
Hey Pandas, What's Something Cringe You Did As A Kid?
So when I was younger I was doing a report on Alaska and I learned there were Indians there and so I looked at my mom and asked "wait I thought all indian's were in Indiana" and my mom replayed "no no sweetie not just there" and now that is just a dumb thing I said but funny as hell
Hey Pandas, What's Something Cringe You Did As A Kid?
I'm still a kid sooo yeah. but most likely it was whenever I tried to be witty. It did NOT work out.
Hey Pandas, What's Something Cringe You Did As A Kid?
I used to headbang to fast-paced country music. Now it is irrelevant.
Hey Pandas, What's Something Cringe You Did As A Kid?
Sing songs aloud in class with two friends whenever there were no teachers. We thought it was cool? Ugh now it just gives me finger curling cringe
Hey Pandas, What's Something Cringe You Did As A Kid?
I pretended i was a wolf, i would run on all fours, howl, and even bark. Ugh i was so cringe TwT
Hey Pandas, Drop Some Drawing Advice
write notes on what you want what you draw to look like it’s easy to forget and ALWAYS start very lightly in pencil. drawing isn’t easy!
Hey Pandas, What's Something Cringe You Did As A Kid?
Full bangs and a shoulder length bob, it was hideous.
Hey Pandas, Drop Some Drawing Advice
just something I've noticed. You don,t have to be confident in your art. The thing is that is see a TON of people including myself don't like compliments on their art because they think its bad. So if you don,t like you art its most likely good. Also let it out. If you have an idea start it. Even if you don't finish you'll be able to see what it is and could become.
Hey Pandas, Drop Some Drawing Advice
Use. Your. Imagination. Some of the greatest artwork in the WORLD was done with imagination, otherwise they were just copying from the real world. Each art piece tells it's own story in it's own world with it's own quirks and qualities. Whether it be a magical creature to an impossible landscape. Oh yeah, impossibility. We humans crave to make things possible, and art is a great way to make something IMpossible, like a bear with the feathers of a peacock, or an island floating effortlessly above the sea. In other words, be original and creative.
Hey Pandas, Drop Some Drawing Advice
Just do a lot of art, don't bother about perfect. Look at tutorials and guides and just mash together the ones you like. Don't stress it too hard, all my favorite art has come from when I just did it without stressing over trying to make it something specific. I googled the artist you mention and it looks like she uses face structuring similar to chibi styles. Like the head is a big circle with the chin shape drawn below and then you draw the head based on that. Lavendertowne has good tutorials (that are also kinda similar in style), I’d also recommend pinterest. Underdrawing is great to do.
Hey Pandas, Drop Some Drawing Advice
So, you know those films that are all like 'Inspired by true events', and you know that literally NEVER HAPPENED! That's what you need to do. Be inspired by others, but tell your own story! Christina's art is pretty cool, but you don't want to copy it. "Vision" is important. You know how some people look at a discarded paper bag and see a foreign landscape, a cargo ship or even a magical creature. Think outside of the box, that lamp isn't a lamp its a hat for your latest character. Draw your inspiration from everywhere. I can't do either of these things (I don't know if it's because I'm a sociopath, but some studies have suggested a relation). I can't create art, but I can copy. I can draw what I see, I can build, sculpt or make whatever I'm shown. I have very good attention detail, I just don't have a "vision". At home my wife has the vision and I make it happen.
I was playing Monopoly, and someone owned a load of properties all clustered together. I said, 'You’ve got a bit of a monopoly on that part of the board. Hey that’s funny, because we’re playing Monopoly, and you got a...oh, I see now.
VERY LATE BUT it's called the alphabet because the Greek "Alphabet" starts with the letter alpha, beta....
I was 28 before I realized the meaning to the why is 6 afraid of 7 joke. I always just thought it was dumb, 7,8,9, like you’re just counting.......the electric bill wasn’t paid until later in my life.
The song "it's getting hot in here" isn't actually talking about here temperature I felt very, very stupid
My boyfriend did not know that his electric toothbrush has a timer on it that goes off at 1 minute and 2 minutes. He actually returned it and got a new one thinking it was broken, since the “timer” is just a brief sort of pause/reduction in the vibration. He would be like “wtf I literally just charged this f*cking thing” thinking that the battery was already dying. One day, and I can’t remember exactly what the conversation was, I brought up how I liked that my toothbrush let me know when I had brushed long enough, and it was like a lightbulb went off in his head and suddenly he put it together that that was what his toothbrush was doing all along.
My grandpa used to ask me when I was a kid if I could talk without moving my lips. Being a dumb ass kid I would always give it my best effort, and thought I was pretty good at it. 20 years later I realised the old bugger was just telling me to shut the f*ck up haha. Too bad I can't let him know I finally figured it out.
That Michelangelo's David is David from David and Goliath. How did I not know this?? I thought it was just dude called Dave.
For a long time I thought "to bust a nut" meant that you were going to kick a guy in the balls or beat him up. So anytime I was getting worked up or angry talking about some guy I would say " I'm going to bust his f*cking nut" not knowing the real meaning. Nobody ever said anything but it was always followed by my friends laughing so I assumed it was because I was being dramatic. Years go by and my coworker is telling me about some rude person he met and I said "you should definitely bust that guy's nut", to which he paused and said "do you even know what that means?" Suffice it to say I was extremely embarrassed and horrified when he explained it to me.Show All 22 Upvotes

rissahrtsmh • submitted a new post 3 years ago

rissahrtsmh • submitted 7 new posts 3 years ago

rissahrtsmh • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago

rissahrtsmh • submitted a list addition 4 years ago

rissahrtsmh • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago

rissahrtsmh • commented on 17 posts 3 years ago

rissahrtsmh • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago

Alternative Text: “ When Your Boss Finds Out Plants Boost Productivity.” Where My Planty Parents At? @planty_hoes - - - follow @worst.designer For More Design No No’s. - - - #office #officelife #plants #plantmemes #officeplants #work #worklife #workmeme

I was 28 before I realized the meaning to the why is 6 afraid of 7 joke. I always just thought it was dumb, 7,8,9, like you’re just counting.......the electric bill wasn’t paid until later in my life.
My boyfriend did not know that his electric toothbrush has a timer on it that goes off at 1 minute and 2 minutes. He actually returned it and got a new one thinking it was broken, since the “timer” is just a brief sort of pause/reduction in the vibration. He would be like “wtf I literally just charged this f*cking thing” thinking that the battery was already dying. One day, and I can’t remember exactly what the conversation was, I brought up how I liked that my toothbrush let me know when I had brushed long enough, and it was like a lightbulb went off in his head and suddenly he put it together that that was what his toothbrush was doing all along.
When I was little we had an Australian shepherd named Sydney. I didn’t understand why her name was Sydney until 18 years later.
I live in Denmark so english is not my native language and I just realised that weekend means the end of the week.
For a long time I thought "to bust a nut" meant that you were going to kick a guy in the balls or beat him up. So anytime I was getting worked up or angry talking about some guy I would say " I'm going to bust his f*cking nut" not knowing the real meaning. Nobody ever said anything but it was always followed by my friends laughing so I assumed it was because I was being dramatic. Years go by and my coworker is telling me about some rude person he met and I said "you should definitely bust that guy's nut", to which he paused and said "do you even know what that means?" Suffice it to say I was extremely embarrassed and horrified when he explained it to me.
The song "it's getting hot in here" isn't actually talking about here temperature I felt very, very stupid
That Michelangelo's David is David from David and Goliath. How did I not know this?? I thought it was just dude called Dave.
I was playing Monopoly, and someone owned a load of properties all clustered together. I said, 'You’ve got a bit of a monopoly on that part of the board. Hey that’s funny, because we’re playing Monopoly, and you got a...oh, I see now.
My grandpa used to ask me when I was a kid if I could talk without moving my lips. Being a dumb ass kid I would always give it my best effort, and thought I was pretty good at it. 20 years later I realised the old bugger was just telling me to shut the f*ck up haha. Too bad I can't let him know I finally figured it out.
VERY LATE BUT it's called the alphabet because the Greek "Alphabet" starts with the letter alpha, beta....
This Artist Continues To Brighten Up The Streets Of His City With His Adorable Chalk Art (130 New Pics)

This Artist Continues To Brighten Up The Streets Of His City With His Adorable Chalk Art (130 New Pics)

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