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Just a chilling Panda ^^
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Grey's Anatomy was interesting for a couple of seasons, but then it became more and more and more ridiculous. Everyone f**ked everyone, everyone had a clinical death, etc. (and that was by the 3rd and 4th seasons). I don’t even know what’s happening now.
Howdysf reply
3 1/2 Men - how the f**k did that donkey s**t show stay on the air so long??? I mean it was pretty awesome when it started. Every single episode was funny, the timing was perfect, the laugh track was not annoying at all. But once I got older than 10 years old that opinion changed ;)
Fantastic-Bit-6172 reply
My wife watched a lot of The Good Doctor. That show is horrendous. We GET IT. He’s autistic. That can’t be the only plot point in your entire show.Dumb-Things-People-Said
Once, at my shop, I stood with my register open, counting a fistful of 50-dollar notes in my hand, when a woman came up and asked me if I worked there. I looked at her, then at the money, then at the open cash drawer, and said, 'Nah, mate. I'm just robbing the till.'Hey Pandas, AITA For Snitching On A 'Friend' For Being Homophobic?
NTA. That is not something to joke about. That also sounds like one of those "jokes" that get made that is exactly how they feel but when you're offended they gaslight you by saying they were just joking. You felt attacked. That's it. That's all. You are allowed to act on that. You are allowed to feel what you feel. He can survive a trip to the principal. He needs to learn a lesson.50 Times People Fused Excellent Ideas With Great Execution And Came Up With These Brilliant Crafts (New Pics)
40 Of The Funniest Things People Overheard In Courthouses, As Shared On This Instagram Page (New Posts)
Hey Pandas, AITA For Snitching On A 'Friend' For Being Homophobic?
The "real world" is full of people of all genders, sexual preferences, colours, intelligence, etc. I don't think you're an a$$hole at all. Of course it felt horrible and I hope this never happens again. It might be a good idea to have a good talk as this is your friend. You be YOU and I'm sending a hug.Fantastic-Bit-6172 reply
My wife watched a lot of The Good Doctor. That show is horrendous. We GET IT. He’s autistic. That can’t be the only plot point in your entire show.Howdysf reply
3 1/2 Men - how the f**k did that donkey s**t show stay on the air so long??? I mean it was pretty awesome when it started. Every single episode was funny, the timing was perfect, the laugh track was not annoying at all. But once I got older than 10 years old that opinion changed ;)
Grey's Anatomy was interesting for a couple of seasons, but then it became more and more and more ridiculous. Everyone f**ked everyone, everyone had a clinical death, etc. (and that was by the 3rd and 4th seasons). I don’t even know what’s happening now.