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Community Member

3 posts
7.3K points
Fair warning to anyone that reads my comments, I basically only go on bored panda between the hours of 2am and 6am.you have been warned. Other than that, I'm just your friendly neighborhood tony stark stan.

Ironass • commented on 17 posts 2 years ago
Show All 17 Comments

Ironass • upvoted 23 items 2 years ago

tyreka13 reply
That giving people rights does not remove your rights. You don't get a free right to suppress people who are not like you. BuT I dOn'T wAnT gAyS tO mArRy... Then don't marry someone of your gender. You can still freely stay married to your opposite gendered spouse. It isn't infringing on your rights. It bugs you that you can't force other people to do what you want.
tyreka13 reply
That giving people rights does not remove your rights. You don't get a free right to suppress people who are not like you. BuT I dOn'T wAnT gAyS tO mArRy... Then don't marry someone of your gender. You can still freely stay married to your opposite gendered spouse. It isn't infringing on your rights. It bugs you that you can't force other people to do what you want.
publicminister1 reply
Hate against any race is hate; though not always systematic. Hate against any sex is hate; though not always systematic. If hate makes you feel good, you are part of the problem.
ChaplnGrillSgt reply
I'm a male and a nurse. No I don't want to be a doctor. No I'm not going to school to be a doctor. No I don't feel like less of a man because I'm a nurse and not a doctor. And stop calling me doc and doctor. I've told you 5 times I'm your nurse and my badge says NURSE in big letters.
EmiliusReturns reply
I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I cannot just decide to not be anxious about stuff. I take medication because I can’t stop. Telling me to just “not worry about it” and “mind over matter” is not going to work. This is a medical issue I am actively being treated for. If I could just choose to stop I would. Telling me “it’s all in your head” is also useless; of course it’s in my head. It’s a brain problem. Where else is it going to be.
MaritimeMuskrat reply
When out in public, I am not BABYSITTING my kids or GIVING MOM A BREAK. I am a dad and they are my kids. WTF is wrong with women over the age of 40 who say this s**t to men?
theVoid1065 reply
Stella Liebeck, the woman who won a lawsuit against McDonald's over hot coffee, had every right to sue them. It's been mocked so many times over the past 20 years with people ridiculing this woman and making it out like she's some idiot who was surprised that coffee was actually hot and she was just attempting a money grab or something. In reality, the temperature of the coffee was f*****g ridiculous and there was no reason for it to be hot enough to cause 3rd degree burns on her legs when she spilled it. She had to have multiple skin graft surgeries and spent 8 days in the hospital where she lost 20 pounds. After that, she needed additional care at home and was partially disabled for the next two years. She had no choice but to sue to cover the cost of her surgeries. This happened a long time ago, but to this day, I still overhear people mocking this case or making references to it in jest.
pumpkinthighs reply
Just because someone doesn't always need their disability aids, that doesn't mean they're not disabled and faking it. Someone who needs a wheelchair to get around doesn't always mean they can't use their legs. They can still walk short distances.
AttilaTheFun818 reply
Everything is made of chemicals. Not everything “natural” is good and not everything “man made” is bad.
Xaort reply
The difference between type I and II diabetes, two completely different diseases Being a healthcare worker and sometimes even having to explain it to my coworkers is tiringShow All 23 Upvotes

Ironass • submitted a new post 2 years ago

Ironass • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago

Ironass • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago

Ironass • submitted 16 list additions 3 years ago

Ironass • submitted 2 list additions 4 years ago

Ironass • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago

Ironass • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago

publicminister1 reply
Hate against any race is hate; though not always systematic. Hate against any sex is hate; though not always systematic. If hate makes you feel good, you are part of the problem.
pumpkinthighs reply
Just because someone doesn't always need their disability aids, that doesn't mean they're not disabled and faking it. Someone who needs a wheelchair to get around doesn't always mean they can't use their legs. They can still walk short distances.
Xaort reply
The difference between type I and II diabetes, two completely different diseases Being a healthcare worker and sometimes even having to explain it to my coworkers is tiring
ChaplnGrillSgt reply
I'm a male and a nurse. No I don't want to be a doctor. No I'm not going to school to be a doctor. No I don't feel like less of a man because I'm a nurse and not a doctor. And stop calling me doc and doctor. I've told you 5 times I'm your nurse and my badge says NURSE in big letters.
AttilaTheFun818 reply
Everything is made of chemicals. Not everything “natural” is good and not everything “man made” is bad.
tyreka13 reply
That giving people rights does not remove your rights. You don't get a free right to suppress people who are not like you. BuT I dOn'T wAnT gAyS tO mArRy... Then don't marry someone of your gender. You can still freely stay married to your opposite gendered spouse. It isn't infringing on your rights. It bugs you that you can't force other people to do what you want.
MaritimeMuskrat reply
When out in public, I am not BABYSITTING my kids or GIVING MOM A BREAK. I am a dad and they are my kids. WTF is wrong with women over the age of 40 who say this s**t to men?
EmiliusReturns reply
I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I cannot just decide to not be anxious about stuff. I take medication because I can’t stop. Telling me to just “not worry about it” and “mind over matter” is not going to work. This is a medical issue I am actively being treated for. If I could just choose to stop I would. Telling me “it’s all in your head” is also useless; of course it’s in my head. It’s a brain problem. Where else is it going to be.
theVoid1065 reply
Stella Liebeck, the woman who won a lawsuit against McDonald's over hot coffee, had every right to sue them. It's been mocked so many times over the past 20 years with people ridiculing this woman and making it out like she's some idiot who was surprised that coffee was actually hot and she was just attempting a money grab or something. In reality, the temperature of the coffee was f*****g ridiculous and there was no reason for it to be hot enough to cause 3rd degree burns on her legs when she spilled it. She had to have multiple skin graft surgeries and spent 8 days in the hospital where she lost 20 pounds. After that, she needed additional care at home and was partially disabled for the next two years. She had no choice but to sue to cover the cost of her surgeries. This happened a long time ago, but to this day, I still overhear people mocking this case or making references to it in jest.
Ironass • is following 13 people

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