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Mad McQueen
Community Member
Songwriter singer cat lady psycho meme rangler drama hater truth speaker
ceeceea reply
I can make both my calves painfully cramp just by flexing my foot a certain way. Works every time. Like a Charley Horse on command. And if I hold it long enough (20-30 seconds) the pain will start to kind of ease, at which point I can briefly make it cramp by pointing my foot instead.
Apparently this is not normal.
PastorOfPwn reply
Occasional crippling headaches where any light or sound would destroy you and sometimes you throw up but to feel better you take a 4 hour nap in the middle of the day. Legit thought all that was normal. In other news, migraine specific prescription pills are a godsend.
-eDgAR- reply
A former coworker challenged me to a cheese eating competition at an office get together. Little did he know I f*****g love cheese and am the type of person to eat shredded cheese straight out the bag at 3am. He wimped out after 15 cubes of cheese from the deli platter while I basically cleared my whole section.
SmallRedBird reply
As someone with a history degree - basically everyone thinks they know it better than you. It's endless.
History repeats itself, and those who study it are doomed to helplessly watch it repeat itself.