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Ranboo beloved He/They
Community Member
He/They. ask me anything ^^ I shall be boredpandas therapist.stuck in limbo ive got nothing to do. I'm also a furry so I hate zoos
GadreelsSword reply
My mother in-law's HOA was run by a retiree who had nothing to do but get in everyone's business all day. He fined people for leaving their trash can out 10 minutes too long and other rediculous things.
The community became so irate they staged a coup. They showed up and forced a vote for a new HOA president (selected before hand). The moment he was voted in, he raised a proposition to abolish the HOA. Everyone voted yes and the HOA was no more.
GadreelsSword reply
My mother in-law's HOA was run by a retiree who had nothing to do but get in everyone's business all day. He fined people for leaving their trash can out 10 minutes too long and other rediculous things.
The community became so irate they staged a coup. They showed up and forced a vote for a new HOA president (selected before hand). The moment he was voted in, he raised a proposition to abolish the HOA. Everyone voted yes and the HOA was no more.
PrincessGlitterSwan reply
"call of the void" When you stand over a high place, and you just want to jump even though you're not going to jump that's what it called.. Interesting and disturbing at the same time...
anonymous21123 reply
There’s an extremely high number of child ab*sers that apply to be foster carers. I lived in over 60+ homes growing up and in all apart from one I experienced either physical, emotional or sexual abuse. There’s not a single person I know that was in foster care that hasn’t been abused.
One foster family in particular used to really creep me out, and they always made me take a ‘night drink’ before bed. One night I didn’t drink it and I was woken up by my foster father getting into my bed in the middle of the night. I told social services but they didn’t believe me, I kept crying about it at school and telling everyone and all they done was move me to a family that after a few months started physically abusing me instead.
zeebious reply
On almost every clothes iron in the United States there is a warning label to “not iron your clothes while wearing them.” I assume there’s a few stories behind that warning.
Yesterday The Owner Of My Company Noticed That The Shoes I Had On Were Worn Through And The Jeans I Had On Had Holes In Them
GadreelsSword reply
My mother in-law's HOA was run by a retiree who had nothing to do but get in everyone's business all day. He fined people for leaving their trash can out 10 minutes too long and other rediculous things.
The community became so irate they staged a coup. They showed up and forced a vote for a new HOA president (selected before hand). The moment he was voted in, he raised a proposition to abolish the HOA. Everyone voted yes and the HOA was no more.
PrincessGlitterSwan reply
"call of the void" When you stand over a high place, and you just want to jump even though you're not going to jump that's what it called.. Interesting and disturbing at the same time...