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3 posts
71 points
helloooo, just a chinese-canadian teen.- crabs !! gotta love em!- female, but any pronouns work- I love art, tag me if you see something cool :)love yall ♡
mika • upvoted 27 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Tell Us All The Dumbest Lies You Said When You Were A Kid
"The cat did it!" We don't have a cat, and never had.Hey Pandas, Who's The Most Important Person In Your Life?
not putting down the importance of family, but my best friend. she was there when my parents weren't. we know almost everything about each other. she brought me out of my shell. I love her to bits, and would gladly d*e for her.jonsbryhill reply
proclaiming you’re an „alpha male“. in fact, it makes you look like a complete idiot and everyone hates you.Hey Pandas, Who Is Your Favorite Artist?
Music or drawing or dancing? My favorite drawing artist is Laura Hollingsworth. She does a web-comic ( and has also done really cute fanart of Percy Jackson and KOTLC and Chronicles of Narnia and LoTR that she sells on etsy (TheSilverEyeShop)Show All 27 Upvotes
mika • submitted 7 list additions 1 year ago
mika • commented on 6 posts 1 year ago
Show All 6 Comments
mika • submitted 3 new posts 1 year ago
mika • submitted 11 list additions 1 year ago
mika • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
mika • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Tell Us All The Dumbest Lies You Said When You Were A Kid
"The cat did it!" We don't have a cat, and never had.jonsbryhill reply
proclaiming you’re an „alpha male“. in fact, it makes you look like a complete idiot and everyone hates you.Hey Pandas, Who's The Most Important Person In Your Life?
not putting down the importance of family, but my best friend. she was there when my parents weren't. we know almost everything about each other. she brought me out of my shell. I love her to bits, and would gladly d*e for her.Hey Pandas, Who Is Your Favorite Artist?
Music or drawing or dancing? My favorite drawing artist is Laura Hollingsworth. She does a web-comic ( and has also done really cute fanart of Percy Jackson and KOTLC and Chronicles of Narnia and LoTR that she sells on etsy (TheSilverEyeShop)This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet