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Lucy Hancox
Community Member
1 posts
17 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Lucy Hancox • commented on 7 posts 6 months ago
Show All 7 Comments
Lucy Hancox • upvoted 8 items 6 months ago
AliMcGraw reply
Not me, but a colleague. A wealthy client's son got picked up for d**g dealing at a local music festival. The client bailed him out, and then had his whole fancy law firm defend his son. The son shambled into the courtroom stoned off his a*s, and loudly attempted to buy d***s off the bailiff. There wasn't a lot the lawyers could do after that.Yugan-Dali reply
Around 1990 there was a guy on trial for armed robbery. He pled not guilty. A witness on the stand identified the defendant. The defendant jumped to his feet and roared, “I should have blown your head off when I had the chance…..” pause, thinks, adds, “if I had been the one who robbed you…”.AliMcGraw reply
Not me, but a colleague. A wealthy client's son got picked up for d**g dealing at a local music festival. The client bailed him out, and then had his whole fancy law firm defend his son. The son shambled into the courtroom stoned off his a*s, and loudly attempted to buy d***s off the bailiff. There wasn't a lot the lawyers could do after that.Yugan-Dali reply
Around 1990 there was a guy on trial for armed robbery. He pled not guilty. A witness on the stand identified the defendant. The defendant jumped to his feet and roared, “I should have blown your head off when I had the chance…..” pause, thinks, adds, “if I had been the one who robbed you…”.Show All 8 Upvotes
Lucy Hancox • upvoted 4 items 7 months ago
Bedheadredhead30 reply
My coworker, her sister and her niece went missing from a campground in the mountains for 12 days. They had left their campsite to go for a short day hike and got lost somewhere along the way. Both my coworker and her sister were found dead of exposure. Miraculously, her neice survived. Everyone at work was devastated. She was an incredibly kind and wonderful nurse.Bedheadredhead30 reply
My coworker, her sister and her niece went missing from a campground in the mountains for 12 days. They had left their campsite to go for a short day hike and got lost somewhere along the way. Both my coworker and her sister were found dead of exposure. Miraculously, her neice survived. Everyone at work was devastated. She was an incredibly kind and wonderful nurse.Show All 4 Upvotes
Lucy Hancox • commented on a post 7 months ago
Lucy Hancox • upvoted an item 9 months ago
Lucy Hancox • submitted a list addition 9 months ago
Lucy Hancox • submitted a new post 9 months ago
Lucy Hancox • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Lucy Hancox • submitted a new post 9 months ago
Lucy Hancox • submitted a list addition 9 months ago
Lucy Hancox • commented on 7 posts 6 months ago
Lucy Hancox • commented on a post 7 months ago
Lucy Hancox • upvoted 5 items 5 months ago
Yugan-Dali reply
Around 1990 there was a guy on trial for armed robbery. He pled not guilty. A witness on the stand identified the defendant. The defendant jumped to his feet and roared, “I should have blown your head off when I had the chance…..” pause, thinks, adds, “if I had been the one who robbed you…”.AliMcGraw reply
Not me, but a colleague. A wealthy client's son got picked up for d**g dealing at a local music festival. The client bailed him out, and then had his whole fancy law firm defend his son. The son shambled into the courtroom stoned off his a*s, and loudly attempted to buy d***s off the bailiff. There wasn't a lot the lawyers could do after that. Lucy Hancox • upvoted 4 items 6 months ago
Lucy Hancox • upvoted 4 items 7 months ago
Bedheadredhead30 reply
My coworker, her sister and her niece went missing from a campground in the mountains for 12 days. They had left their campsite to go for a short day hike and got lost somewhere along the way. Both my coworker and her sister were found dead of exposure. Miraculously, her neice survived. Everyone at work was devastated. She was an incredibly kind and wonderful nurse. Lucy Hancox • upvoted an item 9 months ago
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