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13 posts
148 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Kejama17 • upvoted 20 items 7 months ago
Hey Pandas, What Should We Do If Intelligent Life Is Discovered On Another Planet?
Celebrate that there’s finally a planet with intelligent life on it. Photography
13 Captivating Entries From The 2023 Water Challenge By Close-Up Photographer Of The Year
Hey Pandas, What Should We Do If Intelligent Life Is Discovered On Another Planet?
Knowing us we will kill it take it apart to see how it works!Hey Pandas, Which Historical Figure Would You Most Like To Have Coffee With?
Salvador Dali would be a hoot.Hey Pandas, Which Historical Figure Would You Most Like To Have Coffee With?
I'm assuming I'd have some sort of time machine, in this case, but I think Anne Frank would be interesting. It would also be very sad and troubling, knowing what happened to her and her family, but I think you could learn a lot.Hey Pandas, You Won The Lottery! What Is The First Thing You Would Do?
The very first thing I would do is read the back of the ticket/card to work out how I claim my winnings.Hey Pandas, You Won The Lottery! What Is The First Thing You Would Do?
probs pay off any debt and put the rest of the money into savings and not tell anyone abt itArtist Creates Funny One-Panel Comics Capturing The Quirks Of Human Behavior, Animals And More (52 New Pics)
AnybodySeeMyKeys reply
Gotta say it. My wife and I were vacationing in Bar Harbor, Maine, and decided to drive to the easternmost point in the US. So we made it Lubec, Maine. It was kind of foggy and looked totally deserted. I get Stephen King novels now.Hey Pandas, You Won The Lottery! What Is The First Thing You Would Do?
I would buy a house with a big garden area, away from the city, fill it with animals and build a 50ft fence to keep all humans out :)Hey Pandas, You Won The Lottery! What Is The First Thing You Would Do?
pay off any debt I have,and purchase the book series/ collectible randoms that i want but dont needHey Pandas, You Won The Lottery! What Is The First Thing You Would Do?
Being quiet about it and keeping a low profile. Pop a bottle of champagne.Hey Pandas, During A Date, Is Splitting The Bill Fair Or Outdated?
Always split the bill on the first date. No one should have the feeling afterwards that they owe something to the other. If a partner is disappointed by this, they are not the right partner. It is very important to sort these things out on the first date.Show All 20 Upvotes
Kejama17 • commented on 10 posts 7 months ago
Show All 10 Comments
Kejama17 • submitted 9 new posts 7 months ago
Ask Pandas, Community
Hey Pandas, What Should We Do If Intelligent Life Is Discovered On Another Planet? (Closed)
Ask Pandas, Community
Hey Pandas, If You Could Eat Only One Food Forever, What Would It Be? (Closed)
Show All 9 Posts
Kejama17 • upvoted an item 8 months ago
Hey Pandas, If Time Travel Was Possible, Would You Change The Past Or Explore The Future?
As a fan of archaeology I would observe places in their best moments. You're not supposed to change things. You could make it worse in another way. It gets complicated as you can't just go back without the time period clothes and money. If you're a woman you'll need the skills of atomic blonde to not be abused. Kejama17 • submitted 9 new posts 7 months ago
Ask Pandas, Community
Hey Pandas, What Should We Do If Intelligent Life Is Discovered On Another Planet? (Closed)
Ask Pandas, Community
Hey Pandas, If You Could Eat Only One Food Forever, What Would It Be? (Closed)
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Kejama17 • commented on 10 posts 7 months ago
Kejama17 • upvoted 20 items 7 months ago
Hey Pandas, What Should We Do If Intelligent Life Is Discovered On Another Planet?
Celebrate that there’s finally a planet with intelligent life on it.Hey Pandas, What Should We Do If Intelligent Life Is Discovered On Another Planet?
Knowing us we will kill it take it apart to see how it works!AnybodySeeMyKeys reply
Gotta say it. My wife and I were vacationing in Bar Harbor, Maine, and decided to drive to the easternmost point in the US. So we made it Lubec, Maine. It was kind of foggy and looked totally deserted. I get Stephen King novels now. Photography
13 Captivating Entries From The 2023 Water Challenge By Close-Up Photographer Of The Year
Hey Pandas, Which Historical Figure Would You Most Like To Have Coffee With?
Salvador Dali would be a hoot.Hey Pandas, Which Historical Figure Would You Most Like To Have Coffee With?
I'm assuming I'd have some sort of time machine, in this case, but I think Anne Frank would be interesting. It would also be very sad and troubling, knowing what happened to her and her family, but I think you could learn a lot.Hey Pandas, During A Date, Is Splitting The Bill Fair Or Outdated?
Always split the bill on the first date. No one should have the feeling afterwards that they owe something to the other. If a partner is disappointed by this, they are not the right partner. It is very important to sort these things out on the first date.Artist Creates Funny One-Panel Comics Capturing The Quirks Of Human Behavior, Animals And More (52 New Pics)
Hey Pandas, You Won The Lottery! What Is The First Thing You Would Do?
probs pay off any debt and put the rest of the money into savings and not tell anyone abt itThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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