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7 posts
825 points
Hi! I love the color violet and dragons, hence my username. I am bilingual, I love animals, photography, filming, reading writing and art.
I also have the sweetest dog ever!
TheVioletDragon • commented on 30 posts 2 years ago
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TheVioletDragon • upvoted 8 items 2 years ago
Today Is The One-Year Anniversary Of My Wife's Passing. As I Walked Into My Shop, I Spilled My Water. She Gave Me A Reminder That Today Will Be Just Fine
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TheVioletDragon • submitted a new post 2 years ago
TheVioletDragon • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
TheVioletDragon • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
TheVioletDragon • submitted 5 new posts 3 years ago
TheVioletDragon • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
TheVioletDragon • submitted 6 list additions 3 years ago
TheVioletDragon • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
TheVioletDragon • upvoted 10 items 2 years ago
Today Is The One-Year Anniversary Of My Wife's Passing. As I Walked Into My Shop, I Spilled My Water. She Gave Me A Reminder That Today Will Be Just Fine
A woman I was dating worked late on my birthday one year and called to chat on her drive home. She apologized for missing my birthday and promised to make it up the next night. We talked for way longer than her typical drive, but I thought maybe she had gotten home and simply hadn’t told me. Instead, she drove across town and was circling my neighborhood (gotta love suburbs where everything looks the same) searching for my house. She eventually found it and surprised me with a pint of ice cream and a balloon. We got married two years ago. As one of you pointed out, I didn’t say we are happily married. We are very happy! Working on taking the next step (aka kiddos)Too-Logical-To-Ignore-Conspiracy-Theories
9/11 was allowed to happen so the government could go ahead with political agendas that would've been very unpopular otherwise. There were all kinds of advanced warnings that an attack was imminent, yet they were ignored. The attack allowed for the invasion and never-ending occupation of the Middle East, as well as the Patriot Act that allows for increased spying by the government (and was passed only about a month after 9/11).This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
TheVioletDragon • 16 followers