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I love twenty-one pilots, I am a retro video game connoisseur, and I am in secondary school in Britain. my pronouns are he/him, I am pansexual, and I am open to talk to anyone about anything. whatever the matter, I will be here for you <3
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LucaFish2020 • upvoted 3 items 5 months ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Useless Fact That You Know?
The author of the Witcher books didnt believe the video game would succeed. He sold the rights to the makers dirt cheap. The game has become one of the best games ever madeShow All 3 Upvotes
LucaFish2020 • upvoted 3 items 6 months ago
InfamousUnderpants reply
A long while ago now, I was walking home from a friend's house. We had been smoking and drinking, so I was a little out of it. It was around 1am and I was almost home, when I saw this little old lady doubled over and struggling to walk. I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help. She said she was fine, but asked if I could help her home as she didn't live too far away. So I gave her my arm for her to support herself and off we went. Her home wasn't that far, but it was slow going. At this point, I had already decided that I was going to ring an ambulance for her, but thought I'd get her home first. When we eventually made it to her home, she took her key and opened her door... Only to collapse into her house and pass out... And then the house alarm went off... And then her neighbours appeared. Luckily, the neighbours believed me and the old lady managed to get some medical attention.InfamousUnderpants reply
A long while ago now, I was walking home from a friend's house. We had been smoking and drinking, so I was a little out of it. It was around 1am and I was almost home, when I saw this little old lady doubled over and struggling to walk. I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help. She said she was fine, but asked if I could help her home as she didn't live too far away. So I gave her my arm for her to support herself and off we went. Her home wasn't that far, but it was slow going. At this point, I had already decided that I was going to ring an ambulance for her, but thought I'd get her home first. When we eventually made it to her home, she took her key and opened her door... Only to collapse into her house and pass out... And then the house alarm went off... And then her neighbours appeared. Luckily, the neighbours believed me and the old lady managed to get some medical attention.Show All 3 Upvotes
LucaFish2020 • submitted a new post 6 months ago
LucaFish2020 • commented on a post 6 months ago
LucaFish2020 • upvoted 14 items 10 months ago
Photographer Records Cats On The Streets Proving That Felines Really Are The Kings Of The World (New Pics)
Show All 14 Upvotes
LucaFish2020 • commented on 2 posts 10 months ago
LucaFish2020 • submitted a new post 6 months ago
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LucaFish2020 • commented on a post 6 months ago
LucaFish2020 • commented on 2 posts 10 months ago
LucaFish2020 • upvoted 3 items 5 months ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Useless Fact That You Know?
The author of the Witcher books didnt believe the video game would succeed. He sold the rights to the makers dirt cheap. The game has become one of the best games ever made LucaFish2020 • upvoted 3 items 6 months ago
InfamousUnderpants reply
A long while ago now, I was walking home from a friend's house. We had been smoking and drinking, so I was a little out of it. It was around 1am and I was almost home, when I saw this little old lady doubled over and struggling to walk. I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help. She said she was fine, but asked if I could help her home as she didn't live too far away. So I gave her my arm for her to support herself and off we went. Her home wasn't that far, but it was slow going. At this point, I had already decided that I was going to ring an ambulance for her, but thought I'd get her home first. When we eventually made it to her home, she took her key and opened her door... Only to collapse into her house and pass out... And then the house alarm went off... And then her neighbours appeared. Luckily, the neighbours believed me and the old lady managed to get some medical attention.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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