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I am interested in EVERYTHING, and thanks to BP's posts on fun facts, I've bought about 20 new books to learn more on fascinating facts. I read voraciously, skydive, hike, write stories, work (gotta pay the bills :(), and hope to travel abroad one day.
Laika-Mutton • upvoted 16 items 1 year ago
Letting a sense of duty or loyalty determine whether I stay at a job instead of my own well-being. There are jobs that I knew right away were negatively impacting my mental health and I stayed years hoping it would get better or being worried about leaving my coworkers in the lurch. Companies can and have (and will) survive without me. It’s not my fault if they routinely understaff. And my intuition is usually right. If there are red flags I see in the first few weeks, those are unlikely to significantly change. In the future, I will set a timeline and the types of changes I need to see by then if I’m going to choose to stay. If I don’t see them, I’ll have a plan for next steps to (hopefully) move on to another job/company.women-career-regrets
Letting a sense of duty or loyalty determine whether I stay at a job instead of my own well-being. There are jobs that I knew right away were negatively impacting my mental health and I stayed years hoping it would get better or being worried about leaving my coworkers in the lurch. Companies can and have (and will) survive without me. It’s not my fault if they routinely understaff. And my intuition is usually right. If there are red flags I see in the first few weeks, those are unlikely to significantly change. In the future, I will set a timeline and the types of changes I need to see by then if I’m going to choose to stay. If I don’t see them, I’ll have a plan for next steps to (hopefully) move on to another job/company.Jen_the_Green reply
All I want to do is work with animals. Those jobs don't pay well, though, and I don't have a safety net if I fail financially. So, I work in operations. Do I wish things could be different? 100% absolutely. But, that's life.Anonbsnono reply
I regret staying home to raise kids. I need work to occupy my brain. I feel like I have gotten dumber because I stayed home.MaggieNFredders reply
Yes. I’m currently working a low pay job for amazing benefits because my husband agreed to take more on money wise. He left me Monday. So now I’m wondering if I can stay in the low pay job and get medical benefits or go get a good job. I regret putting myself in this position. Should have stayed at the higher paying jobs.Icy-Organization-338 reply
I hate my career but it is perfect for my kids (hours, autonomy, flexibility) I wish I had crosstrained into something I could change to now and be my own boss or WFH more. I’m tired of what I’m doing. Soul deep tired.Show All 16 Upvotes
Laika-Mutton • started following a person 1 year ago
Laika-Mutton • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
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Laika-Mutton • submitted 19 list additions 1 year ago
Laika-Mutton • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Laika-Mutton • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Laika-Mutton • submitted 19 list additions 1 year ago
Laika-Mutton • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Laika-Mutton • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
Laika-Mutton • commented on 16 posts 2 years ago
Laika-Mutton • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Letting a sense of duty or loyalty determine whether I stay at a job instead of my own well-being. There are jobs that I knew right away were negatively impacting my mental health and I stayed years hoping it would get better or being worried about leaving my coworkers in the lurch. Companies can and have (and will) survive without me. It’s not my fault if they routinely understaff. And my intuition is usually right. If there are red flags I see in the first few weeks, those are unlikely to significantly change. In the future, I will set a timeline and the types of changes I need to see by then if I’m going to choose to stay. If I don’t see them, I’ll have a plan for next steps to (hopefully) move on to another job/company.MaggieNFredders reply
Yes. I’m currently working a low pay job for amazing benefits because my husband agreed to take more on money wise. He left me Monday. So now I’m wondering if I can stay in the low pay job and get medical benefits or go get a good job. I regret putting myself in this position. Should have stayed at the higher paying jobs.Jen_the_Green reply
All I want to do is work with animals. Those jobs don't pay well, though, and I don't have a safety net if I fail financially. So, I work in operations. Do I wish things could be different? 100% absolutely. But, that's life.Icy-Organization-338 reply
I hate my career but it is perfect for my kids (hours, autonomy, flexibility) I wish I had crosstrained into something I could change to now and be my own boss or WFH more. I’m tired of what I’m doing. Soul deep tired.Anonbsnono reply
I regret staying home to raise kids. I need work to occupy my brain. I feel like I have gotten dumber because I stayed home. Laika-Mutton • is following 3 people