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-logansucrose- • upvoted 40 items 1 year ago
paxoj62240 reply
Have one or two plug adapters, make sure your mobile is SIM Unlocked, have copies of your passport ID page, don't keep all of your money in one place, notify your bank that you'll be using your card abroad...skorletun reply
If you visit The Netherlands: - Red = dead. Red asphalt means it's a bike path. Yes, even if there aren't any signs. It's for bikes. - Giethoorn is a village with humans living in it. Be respectful. - The red light district isn't that exciting. There's a bunch of naked ladies inside some houses. Super cool. - One gram of weed should be between €10 and €20. If you pay more than €20 it just ain't worth it fam. - As for avoiding specifically: Amsterdam. It's like a Dutch-themed attraction park. Disneyland for Weedaboos. Source: am Dutch. Edit: a few points people are bringing up. Bike paths are for bikes, don't be a dingdong. Giethoorn is gorgeous but the islands are people's actual property don't be weird!!!! I'm not straight so I sure understand the appeal of tits but it's not the Free For All Sex Land™ that a lot of my international friends think it is. It's a neighbourhood with prostitution. And finally; Amsterdam is fun, but if you want a less touristy experience _and_ a lower risk of being hit by a cyclist, go to Utrecht.Ut_Prosim reply
As an American who did this foolishly: American chain restaurants. You flew 5,000 miles across an ocean, don't waste your time eating American food you could have gotten in Ohio. Don't just try the "local" stuff, go out of your way to find small mom and pop restaurants that the actual residents prefer. The best meal of my entire life was in such a restaurant in Greece. I had rented a car with a friend who was visiting his grandparents and we were driving up north from Athens for hours. I kept trying to stop on the highway for some American or similar fast food (Pita Pan is legit decent fast food). We had pulled off onto a smaller road and for hours didn't see anything. We were so hungry we promised to pull over at the next restaurant we saw. When we finally saw one we pulled over immediately, only to find ourselves in someone's house. It literally looked like someone's driveway. Eventually I noticed a little coke branded refrigerator (filled with beers) and realized it really was a restaurant, kind of. Inside was literally some grandma's house but the living room was full of small wooden tables (probably 4-5). We were the only ones in the entire place besides grandpa who was reading a newspaper and having a coffee. You could see into the rest of the house, which was literally just some old people's home. Grandma excitedly welcomed us and asked us what we wanted to drink. The food was whatever she cooked that day, you didn't have a choice. That day it was some kind of meat (either beef or beef + goat) in red meat sauce with potatoes and some Greek salad and hearty bread. I guess if you didn't like what she was serving, you were out of luck, but it was utterly divine, best thing I've ever had. It was also like $7 for the whole thing. I figure she literally just cooks for herself and her husband and makes 2-3x as much on the chance that a few people stop by. I wish I had some idea where that place was, but I'd never find it in 100 years of traveling again. :/texchan reply
Avoid assuming Europe is all roughly the same. It's a continent, not a country. You don't go to Japan and expect it to be like Indonesia just because they are both in Asia. In other words, it all depends on which country in Europe you are traveling to.Peg_leg_J reply
Insinuating that Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland - and possibly some parts of Cornwall are in England. Doesn't go down too well.__Pers reply
Avoid speaking without exchanging greetings first (in France at least) and not responding in kind when someone greets you. In other words, exchange *bon jour*s before you ask where the toilet is. Avoid letting your kids act like monsters in public--in restaurants, in particular. Avoid rushing through meals (unless your kids are acting like monsters).bintasaurus reply
If you ever visit England and go to the lovely little town in Shropshire called Ludlow...You should avoid eye contact with Dennis...f****r will talk you to deathES-Flinter reply
Be respectful to memorial places. Don't come to the idea to make selfies or similar. Inform yourself about the traditions of the country. In some countries, you can openly make smalltalk with strangers, while in another one, you do have to approach them like a wild animal.Show All 40 Upvotes
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