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Heya! I live with my boyfriend of 11 years, and our 2 cats. I hike and like exploring new areas. I garden and recently got into foraging for edible and medicinal plants. I like to be outdoors, but if I'm not, I'm playing video games or binging on sci-fi and/or anime. I like to learn different experiences people have had. As a whole, we're pretty divided. Always were I suppose. The past few years have just highlighted it. I think it's important to be compassionate and try to understand another point of view different than your own, especially then! If we each take individual responsibility to be kind, and understanding, to not be belligerent when someone doesn't agree with you, (something I have to remind myself alot), maybe it might close the divide. Alright I'm not sure how I got to that last part haha, but that's the jist!