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Lisa Wright
Community Member

1 posts
99 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

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Lisa Wright • upvoted 5 items 1 year ago
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Lisa Wright • upvoted 23 items 2 years ago

Reddit post
My great uncle, who was deputy sheriff, single-handedly ran the entire Klan out of my town. That's not the secret though. It was common knowledge. So my great uncle had to wear a gun on his hip for the rest of his life. The secret part is that my mother, who was a child at the time would watch the Klan members parade down the street, recognize their shoes and give names to my great uncle. I never told anybody that until long after she passed away.
Reddit post
This is about my adoptive grandfather and it took place in the 1960s. He owned a big farm in the country and was a truck driver. At the neighboring farm, the father in the family traveled for work and had 3 young daughters at home. One day the wife talked to my grandfather and said that the girls were seeing a man looking and potentially trying to get into their windows at night. My grandfather took the law into his own hands to rid the neighborhood of the sexual predator. He made a grid of wire outside the windows and energized it with an electric fence charger. He then sat patiently inside the house with his shotgun that night. Sure enough, around the time the girls reported seeing the man he heard cries as the man became tangled in the wire and was getting shocked. By the time he got outside, the man, now a bloody mess, had freed himself and was running towards the corn field. My grandfather peppered his ass with some birdshot and he ran through the rows of corn. The man never returned. He also single handingly confronted and took on a mob family that was running an illegal waste disposal service in the country and poisoning the land. Law enforcement were scared of this mob family, but my grandfather won and got them legally removed. He was tough as nails and a proud WWII vet, I miss him dearly.
Reddit post
My great uncle, who was deputy sheriff, single-handedly ran the entire Klan out of my town. That's not the secret though. It was common knowledge. So my great uncle had to wear a gun on his hip for the rest of his life. The secret part is that my mother, who was a child at the time would watch the Klan members parade down the street, recognize their shoes and give names to my great uncle. I never told anybody that until long after she passed away.
Reddit post
This is about my adoptive grandfather and it took place in the 1960s. He owned a big farm in the country and was a truck driver. At the neighboring farm, the father in the family traveled for work and had 3 young daughters at home. One day the wife talked to my grandfather and said that the girls were seeing a man looking and potentially trying to get into their windows at night. My grandfather took the law into his own hands to rid the neighborhood of the sexual predator. He made a grid of wire outside the windows and energized it with an electric fence charger. He then sat patiently inside the house with his shotgun that night. Sure enough, around the time the girls reported seeing the man he heard cries as the man became tangled in the wire and was getting shocked. By the time he got outside, the man, now a bloody mess, had freed himself and was running towards the corn field. My grandfather peppered his ass with some birdshot and he ran through the rows of corn. The man never returned. He also single handingly confronted and took on a mob family that was running an illegal waste disposal service in the country and poisoning the land. Law enforcement were scared of this mob family, but my grandfather won and got them legally removed. He was tough as nails and a proud WWII vet, I miss him dearly.
Reddit post
My mom was allegedly adopted in the 70s but we found out about 5 years ago that my grandparents (who are both dead now) actually just straight up kidnapped her, like baby snatched her at a park, and her bio parents had been looking for her since (although her bio mom died as well before she found out, which is very sad. She died never being reunited with her stolen child.)
Reddit post
My father was the most caring man. He loved his family. One day, when I was 6 years old, I came home with bleeding cuts on my legs from the babysitter's beating. With no warning, he jumps in his car headed to the babysitter's house. My mom had no car so me and her catch a bus to the babysitter's house. By the time we got there, the police were there, the husband was in an ambulance, and some of the living room furniture was thrown out the window. My father had kicked in the front door and beat up the husband. He couldn't get to the wife because she locked herself in a room, so he started throwing furniture out the window. If he would have got to her, he would have killed her. Never knew my father could get so angry. He only spent two nights in jail because all the police understood. The mother was charged with child abuse. I still have the scars.
itsmaggienotpeggy reply
I don't really think that this is a "dark" secret but it's something that I didn't find out until I was an adult, which was mostly because my grandma doesn't like talking about it, so I think it counts. When I was going through some old stuff of my grandma's after the death of my mother, I found some old photographs of a baby (not my mom because my mom had dark, almost black, hair at birth and this baby was blond) and a birth certificate for someone named "Francesco (mom's maiden name)". I asked my grandma about it and at first she didn't really want to tell me, but I gave her some space and she must have decided that I deserved to know, or maybe she was just tired of having the secret, because she eventually told me. Francesco, who they called Frank, was my grandma's son. He was my mom's younger brother by a couple of years. Apparently, when Frank was three, my grandma's ex-husband kidnapped him and my grandma never saw him again. My grandma's ex-husband (my grandfather, although I don't consider him such, the least reason for which is because I never met him) was involved with the mob and it's suspected that he took Frank with him back to Sicily, but nobody is really sure. My grandma is pretty sure that he would have taken my mom too, if my mom hadn't been sick and in the hospital due to tonsillitis at the time. It's kind of given me an idea of why that side of my family can be kind of withholding about things (I didn't know my mom had been married before my dad until I was a teenager) but it also makes me feel really, really sorry for my grandma.
Turinggirl reply
My grandparents swapped spouses. My grandmother on my mothers side had an affair with my grandfather on my fathers side. Everyone got divorced and then my grandfather on my mothers side fell in love and married my grandmother on my fathers side. Family reunions were fun.Show All 23 Upvotes

Lisa Wright • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
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Lisa Wright • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago

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Lisa Wright • upvoted an item 10 months ago

Lisa Wright • upvoted 5 items 1 year ago

Lisa Wright • upvoted 11 items 2 years ago

itsmaggienotpeggy reply
I don't really think that this is a "dark" secret but it's something that I didn't find out until I was an adult, which was mostly because my grandma doesn't like talking about it, so I think it counts. When I was going through some old stuff of my grandma's after the death of my mother, I found some old photographs of a baby (not my mom because my mom had dark, almost black, hair at birth and this baby was blond) and a birth certificate for someone named "Francesco (mom's maiden name)". I asked my grandma about it and at first she didn't really want to tell me, but I gave her some space and she must have decided that I deserved to know, or maybe she was just tired of having the secret, because she eventually told me. Francesco, who they called Frank, was my grandma's son. He was my mom's younger brother by a couple of years. Apparently, when Frank was three, my grandma's ex-husband kidnapped him and my grandma never saw him again. My grandma's ex-husband (my grandfather, although I don't consider him such, the least reason for which is because I never met him) was involved with the mob and it's suspected that he took Frank with him back to Sicily, but nobody is really sure. My grandma is pretty sure that he would have taken my mom too, if my mom hadn't been sick and in the hospital due to tonsillitis at the time. It's kind of given me an idea of why that side of my family can be kind of withholding about things (I didn't know my mom had been married before my dad until I was a teenager) but it also makes me feel really, really sorry for my grandma.
Turinggirl reply
My grandparents swapped spouses. My grandmother on my mothers side had an affair with my grandfather on my fathers side. Everyone got divorced and then my grandfather on my mothers side fell in love and married my grandmother on my fathers side. Family reunions were fun.
Reddit post
My father was the most caring man. He loved his family. One day, when I was 6 years old, I came home with bleeding cuts on my legs from the babysitter's beating. With no warning, he jumps in his car headed to the babysitter's house. My mom had no car so me and her catch a bus to the babysitter's house. By the time we got there, the police were there, the husband was in an ambulance, and some of the living room furniture was thrown out the window. My father had kicked in the front door and beat up the husband. He couldn't get to the wife because she locked herself in a room, so he started throwing furniture out the window. If he would have got to her, he would have killed her. Never knew my father could get so angry. He only spent two nights in jail because all the police understood. The mother was charged with child abuse. I still have the scars.
Reddit post
This is about my adoptive grandfather and it took place in the 1960s. He owned a big farm in the country and was a truck driver. At the neighboring farm, the father in the family traveled for work and had 3 young daughters at home. One day the wife talked to my grandfather and said that the girls were seeing a man looking and potentially trying to get into their windows at night. My grandfather took the law into his own hands to rid the neighborhood of the sexual predator. He made a grid of wire outside the windows and energized it with an electric fence charger. He then sat patiently inside the house with his shotgun that night. Sure enough, around the time the girls reported seeing the man he heard cries as the man became tangled in the wire and was getting shocked. By the time he got outside, the man, now a bloody mess, had freed himself and was running towards the corn field. My grandfather peppered his ass with some birdshot and he ran through the rows of corn. The man never returned. He also single handingly confronted and took on a mob family that was running an illegal waste disposal service in the country and poisoning the land. Law enforcement were scared of this mob family, but my grandfather won and got them legally removed. He was tough as nails and a proud WWII vet, I miss him dearly.
Reddit post
My mom was allegedly adopted in the 70s but we found out about 5 years ago that my grandparents (who are both dead now) actually just straight up kidnapped her, like baby snatched her at a park, and her bio parents had been looking for her since (although her bio mom died as well before she found out, which is very sad. She died never being reunited with her stolen child.)
Reddit post
My great uncle, who was deputy sheriff, single-handedly ran the entire Klan out of my town. That's not the secret though. It was common knowledge. So my great uncle had to wear a gun on his hip for the rest of his life. The secret part is that my mother, who was a child at the time would watch the Klan members parade down the street, recognize their shoes and give names to my great uncle. I never told anybody that until long after she passed away.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Lisa Wright • 1 follower