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238 points
Banned_User • commented on 19 posts 1 year ago
Show All 19 Comments
Banned_User • upvoted 18 items 1 year ago
J0K3R2 reply
My aunt, one day, she had two guys in suits show up. They sat down at the counter. One guy, tall and skinny, wanted dry white toast, nothing on it and nothing to drink. Meanwhile, his fat brother wanted four whole fried chickens and a Coke. What a bunch of crazies. Edit: this is awesome! XD sitting on a long, uncomfortable 18 hour bus ride, this put a smile on my face. Also my highest upvoted comment ever! Everybody needs somebody, and I need you, you, you! Edit, Part II: Well, when I last updated this, it was 400 upvotes and I was supposed to have 2 hours left in my trip. Aaaaaand then we got caught behind a 7 mile traffic jam that didn't move for about an hour. These replies have not only entertained me, but you've provided wholesome entertainment to my fellow band members.Show All 18 Upvotes
Banned_User • started following 3 people 1 year ago
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Banned_User • submitted a new post 2 years ago
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Banned_User • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Banned_User • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
J0K3R2 reply
My aunt, one day, she had two guys in suits show up. They sat down at the counter. One guy, tall and skinny, wanted dry white toast, nothing on it and nothing to drink. Meanwhile, his fat brother wanted four whole fried chickens and a Coke. What a bunch of crazies. Edit: this is awesome! XD sitting on a long, uncomfortable 18 hour bus ride, this put a smile on my face. Also my highest upvoted comment ever! Everybody needs somebody, and I need you, you, you! Edit, Part II: Well, when I last updated this, it was 400 upvotes and I was supposed to have 2 hours left in my trip. Aaaaaand then we got caught behind a 7 mile traffic jam that didn't move for about an hour. These replies have not only entertained me, but you've provided wholesome entertainment to my fellow band members. Banned_User • is following 13 people
Banned_User • 1 follower