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Éowyn The Detransitioner
Community Member
Hi. I’m a nineteen-year-old ftmtf Detransitioner. I’m not sure what to put here, so here’s info about my Transition & Detransition:
I was born in 2002 and grew up really insecure. I heard about being transgender on online forums at a very young age and came to the conclusion that I was a trans boy. I transitioned at 9, started HRT at 11 and at 12 got a botched double mastectomy. The surgery went horribly and my chest was completely torn apart and scarred all over, surgery lines everywhere as well as numbness and multiple infections. At 16 I got a hysterectomy, rendering me irreversibly infertile, at this point I was having serious doubts and basically a mental breakdown.
I attempted suicide twice before deciding to Detransition. Got death threats from supposed “friends”, harassment, doxxed, banned from sites and forums, the usual stuff Detransitioners get from the Trans Community. I stopped HRT and Detransitioned at 17. I am now infertile and my body is wrecked and I am the most suicidal I have ever been.
I am currently studying Biology and Neurology at University.
(There are more of our stories at r/detrans, if you're thinking of Detransitioning there are a lot of supportive people there. My advice for people thinking of transitioning is to wait until you're 18, and speak to numerous people who both agree and disagree with you. Keep in mind HRT, Puberty Blockers, and Surgery are NOT reversible.)
Also, don't downvote people for no reason, it's not very nice!