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3 posts
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cstar • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
cstar • upvoted 37 items 2 years ago
Read a personal finance book that recommended calling your providers once a year (credit card companies, TV/internet providers, cell phone company, etc) and demand a lower rate or price. I’ve been following that advice for two years and have not been denied once. Last week I saw a commercial for my internet provider offering a super low introductory rate so I called to demand that I get that rate. They said no problem and now I save an extra $700 a year because of a 5 minute call. I am a very passive introvert so it’s not the most easy or comfortable thing but the money I save is worth it. They may so no initially but if you ask a few times or ask to speak to their supervisor they very usually give in. *Edit the book is called “I Will Teach You to be Rich” (cringey title, awesome book imo)Shopper Maliciously Complies And Buys A $900 Appliance After Sales Assistant Tells Him To Look For Something He Can Afford
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cstar • commented on a post 2 years ago
cstar • submitted 17 list additions 3 years ago
cstar • commented on a post 2 years ago
cstar • commented on 19 posts 3 years ago
cstar • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Read a personal finance book that recommended calling your providers once a year (credit card companies, TV/internet providers, cell phone company, etc) and demand a lower rate or price. I’ve been following that advice for two years and have not been denied once. Last week I saw a commercial for my internet provider offering a super low introductory rate so I called to demand that I get that rate. They said no problem and now I save an extra $700 a year because of a 5 minute call. I am a very passive introvert so it’s not the most easy or comfortable thing but the money I save is worth it. They may so no initially but if you ask a few times or ask to speak to their supervisor they very usually give in. *Edit the book is called “I Will Teach You to be Rich” (cringey title, awesome book imo)This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
cstar • 64 followers