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lex <3
Community Member
2 posts
309 points
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lex <3 • commented on 17 posts 5 months ago
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lex <3 • upvoted 16 items 5 months ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something That Gets On Your Nerves?
People on their phone with their speaker on. Even more fun with the camera on...especially in public transport when I'm sitting behind and I'm on screen. Throwing gum and cigarette butts on the ground. Same goes for spitting on the sidewalk. And littering in general.Hey Pandas, What Would You Tell Yourself 5 Years Ago?
lex <3 • started following a person 5 months ago
lex <3 • submitted 5 list additions 5 months ago
lex <3 • submitted a new post 5 months ago
lex <3 • submitted a new post 5 months ago
lex <3 • submitted a new post 6 months ago
lex <3 • submitted 6 list additions 5 months ago
lex <3 • submitted 14 list additions 6 months ago
lex <3 • commented on 20 posts 5 months ago
lex <3 • upvoted 20 items 5 months ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something That Gets On Your Nerves?
People on their phone with their speaker on. Even more fun with the camera on...especially in public transport when I'm sitting behind and I'm on screen. Throwing gum and cigarette butts on the ground. Same goes for spitting on the sidewalk. And littering in general.beanersalad reply
Stayed in an airbnb recently that was pretty insane. It was a shared space with several other people in it, but I had my own private room and small living room with a mini fridge and counter. I stayed in room and barely came out since covid-19 quarantine measures had just started to be enacted. Pretty soon after getting there I started having shortness of breath and vertigo. I started finding drawings in a sketchbook I had that I had no memory of drawing. I didnt speak to anyone for days and started getting really paranoid that someone was going to try to come into my room while I slept. After about a week there I thought I had already died and everything I was seeing was a hallucination to get my mind ready for death. I lived with that and other weird thoughts for another week till I read something on reddit about carbon monoxide poisoning. Called the gas company and turns out, sure enough there was a natural gas leak in my room. Lucky to be alive. Took weeks to get the host and airbnb to even compensate me for my stay.Hey Pandas, What Would You Tell Yourself 5 Years Ago?
to 2020 self: BUCKLE IN BESTIE, STOCK UP ON TOILET PAPER AND MASKS, UR IN FOR HELLAVA RIDE lex <3 • is following 13 people