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anon panda
Community Member

I've been suspended apparently

nickimus_rex reply
Amy Schumer.
She was in Only Murders and added nothing to it, every scene was an absolute chore.

emilyjobot reply
Through a series of weird circumstances I had never met my best friend’s older sister’s best friend despite me also being very close to the sister and being at their house all the time. we finally met one night and we were all sitting around the kitchen table talking. she and I are both major cat people and we were talking about our past and current cats. I told her the crazy and horrible story of how my cat had been missing since the night of my senior prom (3 weeks prior). he was 13 and I was devastated. I showed her a picture of him and she said something along the lines of “I don’t want to get your hopes up but he looks a lot like this cat my dad started feeding in our backyard about 3 weeks ago. he didn’t have a collar so my dad thought he was a stray but he is pretty chonky.” it was like 11pm but my friend and I immediately jumped into my car and drove over to the girl’s house. as soon as I got out of the car and yelled his name he came running. he was missing a tooth from a previous adventure so I pried his mouth open to be 100% sure it was him. the friend lived about 3 miles from me. after we worked out what had happened and how huge of a coincidence it was, my mind was completely blown. the stars aligned so perfectly for me to get my baby boy back. I still get goosebumps when I think about it.

nickimus_rex reply
Amy Schumer.
She was in Only Murders and added nothing to it, every scene was an absolute chore.

emilyjobot reply
Through a series of weird circumstances I had never met my best friend’s older sister’s best friend despite me also being very close to the sister and being at their house all the time. we finally met one night and we were all sitting around the kitchen table talking. she and I are both major cat people and we were talking about our past and current cats. I told her the crazy and horrible story of how my cat had been missing since the night of my senior prom (3 weeks prior). he was 13 and I was devastated. I showed her a picture of him and she said something along the lines of “I don’t want to get your hopes up but he looks a lot like this cat my dad started feeding in our backyard about 3 weeks ago. he didn’t have a collar so my dad thought he was a stray but he is pretty chonky.” it was like 11pm but my friend and I immediately jumped into my car and drove over to the girl’s house. as soon as I got out of the car and yelled his name he came running. he was missing a tooth from a previous adventure so I pried his mouth open to be 100% sure it was him. the friend lived about 3 miles from me. after we worked out what had happened and how huge of a coincidence it was, my mind was completely blown. the stars aligned so perfectly for me to get my baby boy back. I still get goosebumps when I think about it.